How to use the command i3status (with examples)

How to use the command i3status (with examples)

The i3status command is used to print the status line for the i3 window manager. It is typically called from the i3 configuration file and allows users to customize the appearance of their status line. The command has several use cases, each providing different functionalities.

Use case 1: Print the status line using the default configuration



Motivation: By running the i3status command without any arguments, it will print the status line to stdout periodically, using the default configuration. This is useful for users who want to quickly view the status line without any customizations.

Explanation: The command i3status alone triggers the execution of the i3status program. It uses the default configuration file to define the content and appearance of the status line. The -c flag specifies the path to a specific configuration file if necessary, but in this case, it is not required.

Example output:

[{"full_text":"Volume: 50%","short_text":"Volume: 50%"},{"full_text":"Battery: 70%","short_text":"Battery: 70%"},{"full_text":"Wifi: Connected","short_text":"Wifi"}]

This output shows a basic status line with information about the volume, battery percentage, and Wi-Fi connection.

Use case 2: Print the status line using a specific configuration


i3status -c path/to/i3status.conf

Motivation: In some cases, users may want to use a specific configuration file instead of the default one. This allows for more customization and control over the appearance and content of the status line. By specifying the path to a custom configuration file, users can create a unique status line according to their preferences.

Explanation: The -c flag is used to specify the path to a custom configuration file. In this example, the path /path/to/i3status.conf is provided to indicate that the i3status command should use this specific configuration file instead of the default one.

Example output:

[{"full_text":"Disk Usage: 80%","short_text":"Disk Usage: 80%"},{"full_text":"CPU Usage: 30%","short_text":"CPU Usage: 30%"},{"full_text":"Memory Usage: 60%","short_text":"Memory Usage: 60%"}]

This output shows a custom status line with information about disk usage, CPU usage, and memory usage.

Use case 3: Display the i3status version and help


i3status -h

Motivation: Sometimes users may need information about the i3status version or require help with using the command. By running the i3status -h command, users can quickly access the version information and the command’s help documentation.

Explanation: The -h flag is used to display the i3status version and help documentation. When this flag is provided, the i3status command will display information about the version of i3status and provide assistance on how to use the command.

Example output:

i3status v2.13
i3status 2.13\n\nUsage: i3status [OPTION…]\n\n-g, --get-stdout\t\tPrint the generated JSON on stdout and exit\n-c, --config <path>\t\tSpecify a path to use as the configuration file\n-h, --help\t\t\tThis help text\n-v, --version\t\t\tDisplay version information\n\nPlease visit <> for more information about the configuration file.\n...

This output shows the version of i3status and provides information on how to use the command, including the available options and flags.


The i3status command is a powerful tool for customizing and displaying the status line for the i3 window manager. By utilizing different arguments, users can modify the appearance and content of the status line according to their needs. Whether using the default configuration or specifying a custom one, i3status provides flexibility and versatility for displaying important information in the i3 window manager.

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