How to use the command 'ical' (with examples)

How to use the command 'ical' (with examples)

The ‘ical’ command is a Hirji/Islamic calendar and converter for the terminal. It allows users to display the current month’s calendar, convert a Gregorian date to a Hijri date, and convert a Hijri date to a Gregorian date.

Use case 1: Display the current month’s calendar



Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to quickly check the current month’s calendar in the Hirji/Islamic format. It can be helpful for individuals who follow the Hijri calendar for religious or cultural reasons.


  • The command ‘ical’ is used to display the current month’s calendar.
  • No additional arguments are required for this use case.

Example output:

       Muharram 1444
 #  Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
 1   2   3   4   5   6   7
 8   9  10  11  12  13  14
15  16  17  18  19  20  21
22  23  24  25  26  27  28
29  30

Use case 2: Convert a Gregorian date to a Hijri date


ical --gregorian yyyymmdd

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to convert a Gregorian date to the corresponding Hijri date. It can be useful for individuals who need to work with both calendars, such as for scheduling religious events or calculating dates for Islamic rituals.


  • The command ‘ical’ is used to convert a Gregorian date to a Hijri date.
  • The argument ‘–gregorian yyyymmdd’ is used to specify the Gregorian date in the format ‘yyyymmdd’. Replace ‘yyyymmdd’ with the desired date.
  • The ‘yyyymmdd’ represents the year, month, and day of the Gregorian date.

Example output:

Input: 20220101
Output: 1444/08/25

Use case 3: Convert a Hijri date to a Gregorian date


ical --hijri yyyymmdd

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to convert a Hijri date to the corresponding Gregorian date. It can be helpful for individuals who need to convert Islamic dates to the Gregorian calendar for various purposes, such as scheduling or record-keeping.


  • The command ‘ical’ is used to convert a Hijri date to a Gregorian date.
  • The argument ‘–hijri yyyymmdd’ is used to specify the Hijri date in the format ‘yyyymmdd’. Replace ‘yyyymmdd’ with the desired date.
  • The ‘yyyymmdd’ represents the year, month, and day of the Hijri date.

Example output:

Input: 14440825
Output: 20220101


The ‘ical’ command is a versatile tool for working with the Hirji/Islamic calendar and converting dates between the Gregorian and Hijri formats. By using the examples provided above, users can conveniently view the current month’s calendar or convert dates between the two calendar systems as needed.

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