How to use the command 'idea' (with examples)

How to use the command 'idea' (with examples)

This article will provide examples of how to use the ‘idea’ command in JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA, a Java and Kotlin IDE. The ‘idea’ command allows users to perform various actions within the IDE from the command line interface.

Use case 1: Open the current directory in IntelliJ IDEA


idea path/to/directory

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to quickly open the current directory in IntelliJ IDEA without manually navigating through the IDE’s file explorer.

Explanation: The ‘idea’ command is followed by the path to the directory you want to open in IntelliJ IDEA.

Example output: IntelliJ IDEA will launch and open the specified directory, displaying its file structure and allowing you to work on the code within it.

Use case 2: Open a specific file or directory in IntelliJ IDEA


idea path/to/file_or_directory

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to open a specific file or directory in IntelliJ IDEA without needing to manually locate it within the IDE.

Explanation: The ‘idea’ command is followed by the path to the file or directory you want to open in IntelliJ IDEA.

Example output: IntelliJ IDEA will open the specified file or directory, providing you with an editor window to view and modify the file’s content.

Use case 3: Open the diff viewer to compare up to 3 files


idea diff path/to/file1 path/to/file2

Motivation: This use case allows you to quickly compare the differences between two files or even three files in IntelliJ IDEA, which can be helpful for code review or debugging purposes.

Explanation: The ‘idea diff’ command is followed by the paths to the files you want to compare. In this use case, two files are required, but you can also specify a third file for comparison.

Example output: IntelliJ IDEA will open the diff viewer, displaying the differences between the specified files. The changes will be highlighted, making it easy to identify additions, deletions, and modifications.

Use case 4: Open the merge dialog to perform a two-way file merge


idea merge path/to/file1 path/to/file2 path/to/output

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you need to merge changes from two different versions of a file in IntelliJ IDEA, allowing you to resolve conflicts and create a merged output file.

Explanation: The ‘idea merge’ command is followed by the paths to the two files you want to merge, as well as the path to the output file where the merged changes will be saved.

Example output: IntelliJ IDEA will open the merge dialog, displaying the contents of the two input files side by side. You can then manually resolve any conflicts and choose which changes to keep in the output file.

Use case 5: Run code inspections on a project


idea inspect path/to/project_directory path/to/inspection_profile path/to/output

Motivation: This use case allows you to perform code inspections on a project in IntelliJ IDEA, helping you identify potential issues and improve code quality.

Explanation: The ‘idea inspect’ command is followed by the path to the directory of the project you want to inspect, the path to the inspection profile that defines which inspections to run, and the path to the output file where the inspection results will be saved.

Example output: IntelliJ IDEA will run the specified code inspections on the project and generate a report containing the inspection results. This report can be useful for identifying areas of the code that need improvement or fixing.


The ‘idea’ command in IntelliJ IDEA provides a convenient way to perform various actions from the command line interface. Whether you need to open files or directories, compare differences between files, perform file merges, or run code inspections, the ‘idea’ command helps streamline your workflow and enhances your productivity in the IDE.

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