How to use the command 'ignite' (with examples)

How to use the command 'ignite' (with examples)

Ignite is a Command Line Interface (CLI) tool used for React Native boilerplates, plugins, generators, and more. It provides a convenient way to scaffold React Native projects and manage plugins within those projects.

Use case 1: Create a new React Native project


ignite new project_name

Motivation: This use case is helpful when creating a new React Native project from scratch. It automates the initial project setup and provides a project structure that can be easily customized and extended.


  • ignite: The main command to execute the Ignite CLI.
  • new: The command argument used to create a new project.
  • project_name: The name of the new React Native project.

Example output:

✔ Downloading Ignite boilerplate
✔ Creating App
✔ Installing dependencies
✔ Bootstrapping

Use case 2: Generate file from a plugin


ignite generate plugin_name path/to/file

Motivation: This use case allows developers to generate specific files within their React Native project using boilerplate code provided by plugins. This saves time by automating repetitive tasks and ensures consistency throughout the project.


  • ignite: The main command to execute the Ignite CLI.
  • generate: The command argument used to generate files from a plugin.
  • plugin_name: The name of the Ignite plugin that provides the desired file generation functionality.
  • path/to/file: The path where the generated file should be created within the project.

Example output:

✔ Generating file from plugin_name
✔ File generated successfully at path/to/file

Use case 3: Add an Ignite plugin to the project


ignite add plugin_name

Motivation: This use case enables developers to easily add additional functionality to their React Native project by installing and integrating Ignite plugins. This allows for faster development and the ability to leverage community-driven plugins for common features.


  • ignite: The main command to execute the Ignite CLI.
  • add: The command argument used to add an Ignite plugin to the project.
  • plugin_name: The name of the Ignite plugin to be added.

Example output:

✔ Adding plugin_name to the project
✔ Plugin successfully installed and integrated

Use case 4: Remove an Ignite plugin from the project


ignite remove plugin_name

Motivation: This use case allows developers to remove unnecessary or deprecated Ignite plugins from their React Native project. It helps to maintain a clean and efficient project structure, reducing potential conflicts or compatibility issues.


  • ignite: The main command to execute the Ignite CLI.
  • remove: The command argument used to remove an Ignite plugin from the project.
  • plugin_name: The name of the Ignite plugin to be removed.

Example output:

✔ Removing plugin_name from the project
✔ Plugin successfully removed


The ignite command is a powerful CLI tool for React Native projects. It simplifies project creation, file generation, plugin management, and plugin removal. By utilizing this command, developers can streamline their development process, improve productivity, and leverage the rich ecosystem of Ignite plugins.

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