Using ikaros (with examples)

Using ikaros (with examples)

Interactively install drivers for your device


ikaros install device

Motivation: Sometimes, we may need to manually install specific drivers for our device to ensure compatibility and optimize its performance. Using the ikaros install command allows us to interactively select and install the necessary drivers based on our device requirements.

Explanation: The install subcommand is used to install drivers for a specific device. By using the keyword device, we can specify the device we want to install the drivers for. This command will prompt us with a list of available drivers for the device and allow us to select the ones we want to install.

Example Output:

Ikaros will now install drivers for your device.

Available drivers:
1. Driver A
2. Driver B
3. Driver C

Please enter the number(s) of the drivers you want to install (separated by commas): 1,2

Installing drivers...
Driver A installed successfully.
Driver B installed successfully.


ikaros auto-install device

Motivation: When we want to quickly install the recommended drivers for our device without manually selecting each one, the auto-install command comes in handy. This saves time and ensures that the necessary drivers are installed correctly for optimal device performance.

Explanation: The auto-install subcommand is used to automatically install the recommended drivers for a specific device. With the keyword device, we specify the device we want to install the drivers for. This command will analyze the device and determine the drivers that are best suited for it based on pre-defined recommendations.

Example Output:

Ikaros will now automatically install the recommended drivers for your device.

Analyzing device...
Recommended drivers found:
1. Driver X
2. Driver Y
3. Driver Z

Installing drivers...
Driver X installed successfully.
Driver Y installed successfully.
Driver Z installed successfully.

List devices


ikaros list-devices

Motivation: To view the list of devices for which drivers can be managed using Ikaros, we can utilize the list-devices command. This helps us to get an overview of the supported devices and determine if our device is compatible.

Explanation: The list-devices subcommand is used to display the available devices for which drivers can be managed with Ikaros. This command retrieves the device information from the Ikaros database and presents it in a list format.

Example Output:

Device List:

1. Device A
   - Manufacturer: XYZ
   - Model: ABC123

2. Device B
   - Manufacturer: PQR
   - Model: DEF456

3. Device C
   - Manufacturer: MNO
   - Model: GHI789


In this article, we explored the various use cases of the ikaros command, a Vanilla OS tool for managing drivers. We learned how to interactively install drivers for a device, automatically install recommended drivers, and list the supported devices. These examples demonstrate the flexibility and convenience of using Ikaros to efficiently handle device drivers.

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