How to use the command img2txt (with examples)

How to use the command img2txt (with examples)

The img2txt command allows you to convert images to color ASCII characters and output them to text-based colored files. It is a useful tool for turning images into text representations, which can be beneficial for various purposes such as creating ASCII art or generating textual representations of images.

Use case 1: Set output column count to a specific value


img2txt --width=10 image.png > output.txt

Motivation: Sometimes, you may want to control the width of the text output to fit a specific layout or to match other elements in your project. By specifying the output column count with --width, you can ensure that the generated ASCII art or text representation fits your desired dimensions.

Explanation: The --width argument is used to set the output column count to a specific value. In the example provided, we set it to 10. This means that the generated output will have a maximum of 10 characters per line.

Example output:


Use case 2: Set output line count to a specific value


img2txt --height=5 image.png > output.txt

Motivation: If you need to control the height of the text output, you can use the --height argument. This can be helpful when you want to fit the generated ASCII art or text representation within a specific vertical space.

Explanation: The --height argument is used to set the output line count to a specific value. In this example, we set it to 5. This means that the generated output will have a maximum of 5 lines.

Example output:


Use case 3: Set output font width to a specific value


img2txt --font-width=12 image.png > output.txt

Motivation: Adjusting the font width can help you achieve the desired appearance and readability of the generated ASCII art or text representation. By specifying the font width with --font-width, you can control the individual character’s width and adjust it to your needs.

Explanation: The --font-width argument is used to set the output font width to a specific value. In this example, we set it to 12. This means that each character in the output will have a width of 12 pixels.

Example output:


Use case 4: Set output font height to a specific value


img2txt --font-height=14 image.png > output.txt

Motivation: Similar to adjusting the font width, altering the font height can impact the appearance and readability of the generated ASCII art or text representation. By specifying the font height with --font-height, you can change the individual character’s height to suit your requirements.

Explanation: The --font-height argument is used to set the output font height to a specific value. In this example, we set it to 14. This means that each character in the output will have a height of 14 pixels.

Example output:


Use case 5: Set image brightness to a specific value


img2txt --brightness=2 image.png > output.txt

Motivation: Adjusting the brightness of the image can help enhance visibility and optimize the generated ASCII art or text representation. By using the --brightness argument, you can control the brightness level based on your preferences or requirements.

Explanation: The --brightness argument is used to set the image brightness to a specific value. In this example, we set it to 2. The brightness level can range from -3 (darkest) to 3 (brightest). Increasing the brightness value will make the ASCII art or text representation appear brighter.

Example output:



The img2txt command is a versatile tool for converting images to ASCII art or text representations. By utilizing its various options like specifying width, height, font width, font height, and brightness, you have the flexibility to customize the output to match your desired visual presentation. Whether you want to create ASCII art or generate text-based versions of images, img2txt is a valuable command that provides you with ample flexibility and customization options.

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