How to use the command imgtoppm (with examples)

How to use the command imgtoppm (with examples)

The imgtoppm command is a tool that allows users to convert various image file formats to the PPM (Portable Pixmap) format. The PPM format is a common format used for storing uncompressed images and can be easily viewed or edited using various image processing tools. This article will provide examples of how to use the command imgtoppm in different scenarios.

Use case 1: Convert an input image to PPM format


imgtoppm path/to/input > path/to/output.ppm

Motivation: Converting an input image to the PPM format can be useful when you need to perform image processing operations or analyze the image more effectively. By converting the image to the PPM format, you can easily access the pixel data and make accurate modifications.


  • imgtoppm: The command to convert an image to PPM format.
  • path/to/input: The path to the input image file that you want to convert.
  • >: Redirect the output of the command to a file.
  • path/to/output.ppm: The path and name of the output file in PPM format.

Example output: If the conversion is successful, the command will not produce any output to the console. Instead, the converted image will be saved at the specified path/to/output.ppm location.

Use case 2: Display version


imgtoppm -version

Motivation: Displaying the version of the imgtoppm command can be helpful when you want to check if you are using the latest version of the tool or need to confirm the installed version for troubleshooting purposes.


  • imgtoppm: The command to execute.
  • -version: An argument to instruct the command to display the version information.

Example output: The command will output the version information of the imgtoppm command, including the version number and additional details such as the author and release date.

Conclusion: The imgtoppm command provides a convenient way to convert image files to the PPM format, enabling users to perform image processing operations or analyze images more effectively. Additionally, the command allows users to quickly check the version of imgtoppm installed on their system.

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