How to use the command 'import' (with examples)

How to use the command 'import' (with examples)

The ‘import’ command is a part of ImageMagick and allows users to capture all or a portion of an X server screen and save it as an image file. It is a powerful tool for capturing screenshots or creating image files programmatically.

Use case 1: Capture the entire X server screen into a PostScript file


import -window root path/to/

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to capture the entire X server screen and save it as a PostScript file. This can be helpful when you need to print the screen capture or manipulate it further with other tools that support PostScript.


  • -window root: Specifies that the entire X server screen should be captured.
  • path/to/ The file path and name for the output PostScript file.

Example output: The entire X server screen is captured and saved as a PostScript file named in the specified path.

Use case 2: Capture contents of a remote X server screen into a PNG image


import -window root -display remote_host:screen.display path/to/output.png

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to capture the contents of a remote X server screen and save it as a PNG image. It allows you to manipulate or analyze the remote screen’s content without directly accessing the server.


  • -window root: Specifies that the entire X server screen should be captured.
  • -display remote_host:screen.display: Specifies the remote X server and screen display to be captured.
  • path/to/output.png: The file path and name for the output PNG image.

Example output: The contents of the remote X server screen are captured and saved as a PNG image named output.png in the specified path.

Use case 3: Capture a specific window given its ID as displayed by ‘xwininfo’ into a JPEG image


import -window window_id path/to/output.jpg

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to capture a specific window displayed on the X server screen and save it as a JPEG image. It allows you to focus on a specific window or element for further analysis or documentation.


  • -window window_id: Specifies the ID of the window to be captured. The window ID can be obtained using the ‘xwininfo’ command.
  • path/to/output.jpg: The file path and name for the output JPEG image.

Example output: The specified window is captured and saved as a JPEG image named output.jpg in the specified path.


The ‘import’ command is a versatile tool for capturing X server screen content and saving it as an image file. Whether you need to capture the entire screen, a remote screen, or a specific window, the ‘import’ command provides the necessary functionality.

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