How to Use the Command 'imv' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'imv' (with Examples)

‘imv’ is a command-line image viewer designed for Wayland and X11, specifically optimized for tiling window managers. It supports a broad range of image formats, including common ones like JPEG and PNG, as well as more niche formats like Photoshop’s PSD. This utility is perfect for users who prefer managing images through the terminal without the need for a graphical interface. Below, we explore several practical use cases of the ‘imv’ command, demonstrating its flexibility and efficiency in different scenarios.

Use case 1: Viewing Multiple Images


imv path/to/image1.ext path/to/image2.ext ...

Motivation: In scenarios where you have a batch of images to assess or enjoy, opening each image individually can be tedious. Using ‘imv’ with multiple files allows you to load them all at once, offering seamless navigation between them in one session. This is especially useful for photographers or designers reviewing or comparing their work without dealing with multiple application windows.


  • imv: Calls the ‘imv’ command to initiate the image viewer.
  • path/to/image1.ext path/to/image2.ext ...: Paths to the image files you want to view. Here, ‘imv’ is capable of taking multiple image paths as arguments, allowing the user to specify as many images as needed.

Example Output: The command will open an image viewer displaying the first image. You can then easily navigate back and forth between the loaded images using keyboard shortcuts like arrow keys.

Use case 2: Viewing in Fullscreen Mode


imv -f path/to/image.ext

Motivation: Fullscreen mode is beneficial when you want to focus on the details of an image without any distraction from other windows or system components. This mode is ideal for presentations, display purposes, or simply for an immersive viewing experience.


  • imv: Initiates the ‘imv’ image viewer.
  • -f: An option that triggers fullscreen mode, enlarging the image viewer to cover the entire screen.
  • path/to/image.ext: Specifies the path to the image file you wish to view.

Example Output: Upon running this command, the image specified by the path is displayed in fullscreen mode, covering your entire screen, allowing you to focus entirely on the visual content.

Use case 3: Viewing Images Recursively from a Path


imv -r --slideshow path/to/path

Motivation: When you have images scattered across various subdirectories within a particular path, viewing them individually can be quite inefficient. Utilizing the recursive view long with the slideshow mode enables users to navigate through multiple directories and view all images continuously. This is optimal for showcasing a collection of images stored in different folders, such as an organized portfolio or a set of photo albums.


  • imv: Runs the image viewer.
  • -r: Tells ‘imv’ to search for images recursively within subdirectories of the specified path.
  • --slideshow: Puts the image viewer into slideshow mode, automatically transitioning between images.
  • path/to/path: Indicates the root directory path where the search will commence.

Example Output: The command opens a slideshow that displays all images found within the root directory and its subdirectories, transitioning through images automatically.

Use case 4: Opening Multiple Images via Stdin


find . -type f -name "*.svg" | imv

Motivation: For users dealing with a vast number of files or specific file types, leveraging stdin (standard input) provides a powerful way to filter and manage images. This example finds all SVG images in the current directory and its subdirectories, granting users the capability to modularly define what’s viewed based on other Unix commands like find.


  • find .: Initiates a search starting from the current directory.
  • -type f: Specifies that we’re looking for files.
  • -name "*.svg": Filters the search to return only files with the ‘.svg’ extension.
  • | imv: Pipes the result of the find command directly into ‘imv’, which then opens those images.

Example Output: All SVG files found by the find command are opened in the image viewer, allowing users to navigate through them seamlessly.

Use case 5: Creating a Slideshow from a Directory


imv -t 10 path/to/directory

Motivation: Automated slideshows can be a pleasant way to review images or conduct presentations without manual interaction. Setting a specific time interval helps control the speed at which images are displayed, catering to different viewing needs. This use case is perfect for cases such as automated kiosk displays, or a set-it-and-forget-it photo gallery.


  • imv: Launches the image viewer.
  • -t 10: Sets the transition time between slides; here, each image is displayed for 10 seconds.
  • path/to/directory: Points to the directory containing images to be included in the slideshow.

Example Output: A slideshow is created with all images in the chosen directory, with each image being featured for 10 seconds before the next appears.

Use case 6: Viewing Multiple Images from the Web


curl -Osw '%{filename_effective}\n' '[1-10].jpg' | imv

Motivation: When dealing with multiple images hosted online, downloading each one manually to view them can be impractical and time-consuming. By using a combination of ‘curl’ and ‘imv’, a user can automate this process, efficiently pulling images into a viewer with minimal steps. This approach is highly beneficial for digital content curators or researchers working with online data sets.


  • curl -Osw '%{filename_effective}\n' '[1-10].jpg': Downloads images from URLs corresponding to an indexed sequence.
    • -O: Saves the file with its remote name.
    • -s: Enables silent mode, reducing the command’s output verbosity.
    • -w '%{filename_effective}\n': Writes the name of the downloaded file to the output.
  • '[1-10].jpg': Indicates the range in the URL pattern from which images are to be downloaded.
  • | imv: Pipes these downloaded images into the ‘imv’ viewer.

Example Output: After executing the command, each image from the specified URL range downloads and opens in ‘imv’, allowing for easy navigation across them.


The ‘imv’ command is a versatile tool for anyone needing efficient image management within a terminal environment. From viewing local files individually or recursively, to interacting with images from the web, ‘imv’ streamlines numerous processes that might otherwise be cumbersome in a traditional GUI. Armed with these examples, users can integrate ‘imv’ into their workflows, harnessing the power and efficiency of the command line.

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