How to use the command in2csv (with examples)

How to use the command in2csv (with examples)

The in2csv command is a part of the csvkit package and is used to convert various tabular data formats into CSV. It allows users to easily convert files such as XLS, DBF, and JSON into the widely supported CSV format. This article will provide examples and explanations for each of the following use cases of the in2csv command.

Use case 1: Convert an XLS file to CSV


in2csv data.xls

Motivation: The motivation for converting an XLS file to CSV is to make the data more accessible and easier to work with in other applications. CSV files are widely supported and can be easily imported into spreadsheet software or used for data analysis.

Explanation: The command in2csv data.xls takes the XLS file ‘data.xls’ and converts it to CSV format. The resulting CSV file will have the same name as the XLS file, but with the file extension changed to ‘.csv’.

Example output: The XLS file ‘data.xls’ is converted to ‘data.csv’.

Use case 2: Convert a DBF file to a CSV file


in2csv data.dbf > data.csv

Motivation: Converting a DBF file to a CSV file is useful when working with legacy database files that are not easily accessible or compatible with modern database systems. CSV files can be easily imported into a variety of database software or used for data analysis.

Explanation: The command in2csv data.dbf > data.csv converts the DBF file ‘data.dbf’ to CSV format. The output is redirected (>) to the file ‘data.csv’, which will contain the converted data.

Example output: The DBF file ‘data.dbf’ is converted to ‘data.csv’, with the DBF file’s data now in CSV format.

Use case 3: Convert a specific sheet from an XLSX file to CSV


in2csv --sheet=sheet_name data.xlsx

Motivation: When working with large Excel files that contain multiple sheets, it can be helpful to convert a specific sheet to CSV format for easier analysis or sharing. This allows the user to focus on the relevant data without converting the entire file.

Explanation: The command in2csv --sheet=sheet_name data.xlsx converts a specific sheet from the XLSX file ‘data.xlsx’ to CSV format. The --sheet=sheet_name argument specifies the sheet to convert, where ‘sheet_name’ is the name of the desired sheet.

Example output: The specified sheet from ‘data.xlsx’ is converted to CSV format.

Use case 4: Pipe a JSON file to in2csv


cat data.json | in2csv -f json > data.csv

Motivation: Converting a JSON file to CSV is useful when working with JSON data that needs to be in tabular format for analysis or importing into a database. By using pipes, the command allows for a seamless conversion process.

Explanation: The command cat data.json | in2csv -f json > data.csv pipes the contents of the JSON file ‘data.json’ to in2csv, specifying the input format as JSON with the -f json argument. The converted data is then redirected (>) to the file ‘data.csv’.

Example output: The JSON file ‘data.json’ is converted to CSV format and saved as ‘data.csv’.


The in2csv command is a powerful tool for converting various tabular data formats into CSV. Whether it is a spreadsheet file (XLS, XLSX) or a database file (DBF), or even a JSON file, in2csv makes it easy to convert the data into a more widely supported format. By using the provided examples and explanations, users can quickly and effectively convert their data to CSV for further analysis or integration with other software.

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