How to use the command inkmake (with examples)

How to use the command inkmake (with examples)

Inkmake is a command-line tool that allows users to export SVG files using Inkscape’s backend in a GNU Makefile-style. This command provides a convenient way to automate the SVG exporting process using Inkfile scripts. With inkmake, users can execute Inkfiles, specify input and output files, and even customize the Inkscape binary to be used.

Use case 1: Export an SVG file executing the specified Inkfile


inkmake path/to/Inkfile

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to export an SVG file without manually opening Inkscape each time. By executing the Inkfile through inkmake, you can simplify the process and automate the exporting procedure.

Explanation: By providing the path to the Inkfile as the argument, inkmake will execute the specified Inkfile and export the resulting SVG file to the same location.

Example Output: The specified Inkfile is executed, and the resulting SVG file is exported according to the script in the Inkfile.

Use case 2: Execute an Inkfile and show detailed information


inkmake --verbose path/to/Inkfile

Motivation: Sometimes, it is useful to have detailed information about the execution process, especially when troubleshooting or debugging. By using the --verbose flag, inkmake provides additional information during the execution of the Inkfile.

Explanation: The --verbose flag is used to enable detailed logging and information display during the execution of the Inkfile. It provides insights into the specific steps being performed, which can be helpful for tracking errors or understanding the execution flow.

Example Output: The Inkfile is executed, and inkmake displays detailed information about each step performed, including the input and output files involved.

Use case 3: Execute an Inkfile, specifying SVG input file(s) and an output file


inkmake --svg path/to/file.svg --out path/to/output_image path/to/Inkfile

Motivation: In cases where you want to specify the input SVG file(s) to be used in the Inkfile, as well as the output file location and name, this use case comes in handy. It allows for more flexibility and control over the exporting process.

Explanation: The --svg flag is used to specify the input SVG file(s) that should be used in the Inkfile. The --out flag is used to specify the location and name of the output file. By providing these arguments, inkmake will execute the Inkfile using the specified input file(s) and generate the output file accordingly.

Example Output: The Inkfile is executed, utilizing the specified SVG input file(s) and generating the output file at the specified location with the specified name.

Use case 4: Specify a custom Inkscape binary to use as the backend


inkmake --inkscape /Applications/ path/to/Inkfile

Motivation: In certain scenarios, you may have multiple versions of Inkscape installed or want to specify a different Inkscape binary to be used as the backend for exporting SVG files. This use case allows you to customize the Inkscape binary to be used by inkmake.

Explanation: The --inkscape flag is used to specify the custom Inkscape binary that inkmake should use as the backend. By providing the path to the desired Inkscape binary, inkmake will utilize that specific binary for exporting SVG files.

Example Output: The Inkfile is executed using the specified custom Inkscape binary as the backend for the exporting process.

Use case 5: Display help


inkmake --help

Motivation: When you are unsure about the available options or need a quick reference for the command’s usage, using the --help flag will display the command-line options and their descriptions.

Explanation: The --help flag is used to display a help menu, providing an overview of the available command-line options and their descriptions. This information serves as a quick reference for the different functionalities and usage of inkmake.

Example Output: A help menu is displayed, listing the various options, flags, and their corresponding descriptions, providing information on how to use the command effectively.


Inkmake is a versatile command-line tool for exporting SVG files using Inkscape’s backend in a GNU Makefile-style. It offers several useful features, such as executing Inkfiles, specifying input and output files, customizing the Inkscape binary, and providing detailed information during execution. By utilizing inkmake, users can streamline their SVG export process and create efficient workflows for automating SVG exporting tasks.

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