How to use the command 'interdiff' (with examples)

How to use the command 'interdiff' (with examples)

The ‘interdiff’ command is a tool that allows users to compare differences between two diff files. It provides a simple and convenient way to identify changes made between two versions of a file or code.

Use case 1: Compare diff files


interdiff old_file new_file

Motivation: The motivation behind comparing diff files is to understand the changes made between two different versions of a file or code. By using the ‘interdiff’ command, users can easily identify and analyze the modifications, additions, or deletions made in the updated version of the file.


  • ‘interdiff’ is the command used to perform the comparison.
  • ‘old_file’ represents the original or base version of the file.
  • ’new_file’ represents the updated version of the file.

Example output:

--- old_file
+++ new_file
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
- This is the original content.
+ This is the updated content.
  Some additional changes were made.

In the example output above, the lines starting with “—” and “+++” indicate the file names being compared. The lines starting with “@@” provide information about the changed lines. In this case, line 1 has been modified.

Use case 2: Compare diff files, ignoring whitespace


interdiff -w old_file new_file

Motivation: Whitespace changes, such as adding or removing spaces or tabs, can sometimes clutter the diff output. In certain cases, users may only be interested in substantial changes to the content of the file and want to ignore whitespace modifications. The ‘-w’ option allows users to ignore whitespace differences and focus on the actual content changes.


  • The ‘-w’ option is used to ignore whitespace changes.
  • ‘old_file’ represents the original or base version of the file.
  • ’new_file’ represents the updated version of the file.

Example output:

--- old_file
+++ new_file
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 This is the original content.
-Some additional changes were made.
+Some additional changes were made.

In the example output above, the whitespace difference in line 2 has been ignored. Both versions of the file now contain the same content.


The ‘interdiff’ command provides an efficient way to compare and identify differences between two diff files. Whether users want to see all modifications or just focus on substantial changes, the ‘interdiff’ command offers options to meet their needs. By utilizing this command, users can easily understand the changes made between different versions of a file or code.

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