How to use the command ipcmk (with examples)

How to use the command ipcmk (with examples)

The ipcmk command is used to create IPC (Inter-process Communication) resources. IPC resources are used to facilitate communication and data sharing between different processes in an operating system. The ipcmk command allows users to create shared memory segments, semaphores, and message queues.

Use case 1: Create a shared memory segment


ipcmk --shmem segment_size_in_bytes

Motivation: Creating a shared memory segment can be useful when multiple processes need to access and share a common block of memory. This can be beneficial for performance reasons as it eliminates the need for inter-process communication mechanisms like pipes or message queues.


  • --shmem: This option is used to specify that a shared memory segment needs to be created.
  • segment_size_in_bytes: This argument specifies the size of the shared memory segment in bytes.

Example output:

Shared memory segment created successfully: ID 1234, size 4096 bytes

Use case 2: Create a semaphore


ipcmk --semaphore element_size

Motivation: Semaphore is a synchronization primitive that can be used to control access to shared resources among processes. By creating a semaphore, processes can coordinate and manage access to critical sections of code or shared resources.


  • --semaphore: This option is used to specify that a semaphore needs to be created.
  • element_size: This argument specifies the size of the semaphore.

Example output:

Semaphore created successfully: ID 5678

Use case 3: Create a message queue


ipcmk --queue

Motivation: Message queues are used for asynchronous communication between processes. By creating a message queue, processes can send and receive messages, allowing for inter-process communication without the need for the processes to be synchronized.


  • --queue: This option is used to specify that a message queue needs to be created.

Example output:

Message queue created successfully: ID 9876

Use case 4: Create a shared memory segment with specific permissions


ipcmk --shmem segment_size_in_bytes octal_permissions

Motivation: In some cases, it may be necessary to specify the permissions for a shared memory segment. By default, the permissions are set to 0644 (read and write permissions for the owner, and read permissions for others). Specifying specific permissions can help control who can access and modify the shared memory segment.


  • --shmem: This option is used to specify that a shared memory segment needs to be created.
  • segment_size_in_bytes: This argument specifies the size of the shared memory segment in bytes.
  • octal_permissions: This argument specifies the permissions for the shared memory segment using octal notation.

Example output:

Shared memory segment created successfully: ID 2345, size 8192 bytes, permissions 0600


The ipcmk command is a useful utility for creating IPC resources in an operating system. By using different options and arguments, users can create shared memory segments, semaphores, and message queues to facilitate communication and data sharing among processes.

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