How to use the command 'istats' (with examples)

How to use the command 'istats' (with examples)

  • Osx
  • December 25, 2023

The command ‘istats’ is a tool used to show various statistics such as the CPU temperature, fan speeds, and battery status on macOS. It provides real-time monitoring of hardware components and can help users troubleshoot performance issues and monitor system health.

Use case 1: Show all the stats



Motivation: This command is useful when you want to get an overview of the current state of your system, including CPU temperature, fan speeds, and battery status. It can help you identify any potential issues or abnormalities.

Explanation: Running the ‘istats’ command with no arguments will display all available statistics. It will show the CPU temperature in °C, the fan speeds in RPM (revolutions per minute), and the battery status as a percentage.

Example output:

--- CPU Stats ---
CPU temp: 50.0°C
Fan speed: 2500 RPM

--- Fan Stats ---
Fan 1: 2000 RPM
Fan 2: 1800 RPM

--- Battery Stats ---
Battery health: Good
Battery charge: 80%

Use case 2: Show all CPU stats


istats cpu

Motivation: If you are specifically interested in monitoring the CPU temperature, this command will provide you with the necessary information. This can be helpful when troubleshooting overheating issues or validating the effectiveness of cooling solutions.

Explanation: By running the ‘istats’ command followed by the argument ‘cpu’, you will receive detailed statistics about your CPU. This includes the CPU temperature in °C.

Example output:

--- CPU Stats ---
CPU temp: 50.0°C

Use case 3: Show all fan stats


istats fan

Motivation: Monitoring fan speeds can be important for ensuring proper cooling of your system. By using this command, you can quickly check if the fan speeds are within expected ranges and identify any anomalies that may indicate cooling problems.

Explanation: By running the ‘istats’ command followed by the argument ‘fan’, you will receive statistics related to the fans in your system. This includes the fan speeds in RPM (revolutions per minute).

Example output:

--- Fan Stats ---
Fan 1: 2000 RPM
Fan 2: 1800 RPM

Use case 4: Scan and print temperatures


istats scan

Motivation: This command is useful if you want to scan and print all available temperature sensors in your system. It allows you to gather information about different components and identify any temperature abnormalities.

Explanation: By running the ‘istats’ command followed by the argument ‘scan’, you will scan and print temperatures from all available sensors in your system.

Example output:

--- Temperature Stats ---
CPU Proximity: 50.0°C
Ambient Air 1: 22.0°C
Ambient Air 2: 25.0°C


The ‘istats’ command is a versatile tool for monitoring various hardware components on macOS. Whether you need to check CPU temperature, fan speeds, or battery status, this command provides a convenient way to obtain real-time statistics. Utilizing these use cases can help you diagnose issues, optimize performance, and ensure the health of your system.

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