How to use the command iwctl (with examples)

How to use the command iwctl (with examples)

iwctl is a command used to control the iwd network supplicant. It allows users to interact with the iwd daemon to manage network connections and perform various Wi-Fi related tasks. Whether you want to connect to a Wi-Fi network, scan for available networks, or get information about your network stations, iwctl provides a simple and intuitive way to accomplish these tasks.

Use case 1: Start the interactive mode



Motivation: Starting the interactive mode allows users to directly enter commands and interact with the iwctl command without having to type the command each time. This can be helpful, especially when you need to perform multiple actions in succession.

Explanation: The command iwctl is used to start the interactive mode, where users can enter commands directly and benefit from autocompletion. Once started, you can enter subsequent commands directly without the need to prefix them with iwctl.

Example output:


Use case 2: Call general help


iwctl --help

Motivation: When you are unsure about the available commands and their usage, calling the general help provides a quick reference to understand the capabilities of the iwctl command.

Explanation: By using the --help option with the iwctl command, you can retrieve a list of available commands along with a brief description of each. This helps users familiarize themselves with the command’s capabilities and understand how to use it effectively.

Example output:

Usage: iwctl [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --version  Show the version and exit.
  --help     Show this message and exit.

  agent      Control the pairing agent.
  device     Control devices.
  help       Show this message and exit.
  network    Control networks.
  passphrase  Control passphrases.
  peer       Control peers.

Use case 3: Display your Wi-Fi stations


iwctl station list

Motivation: Before connecting to a Wi-Fi network, it is essential to identify the available stations. Using the station list command helps you obtain a list of available Wi-Fi stations.

Explanation: By running the station list command, iwctl displays a list of Wi-Fi stations detected by the iwd network supplicant. Each station is identified by its unique station name, which can be useful when connecting to a specific station.

Example output:

  * wlan0

Use case 4: Start looking for networks with a station


iwctl station station scan

Motivation: To discover available Wi-Fi networks, it is necessary to initiate a network scan. The station scan command allows you to search for nearby networks, which can then be examined or connected to.

Explanation: The station scan command is used to instruct a specific Wi-Fi station to initiate a network scan. It triggers the station to search for available networks and collect relevant information about each network, including network name (SSID), signal strength, encryption type, etc.

Example output:

Scanning started on station wlan0

Use case 5: Display the networks found by a station


iwctl station station get-networks

Motivation: After performing a network scan, it is useful to view the details of the discovered networks. The station get-networks command can provide valuable information about the available Wi-Fi networks.

Explanation: By using the station get-networks command, iwctl retrieves a list of Wi-Fi networks detected by the specified station. The list includes information such as network names (SSIDs), signal strengths, encryption type, and other parameters, helping users choose the most suitable network to connect to.

Example output:

                           SSID  BSSID             FREQ  CHAN  RATE       SIGNAL  SECURITY
               MyWiFiNetwork  12:34:56:78:90:AB  2.4   6    65 Mbit/s  ▂▄▆█  -43 dBm  WPA2
            AnotherNetwork123  98:76:54:32:10:FE  5.0   36   45 Mbit/s  ▂▄▆_  -67 dBm  WEP
                 HiddenNetwork  (hidden)        2.4   1    1 Mbit/s   ▂___  -84 dBm  Open

Use case 6: Connect to a network with a station


iwctl station station connect network_name

Motivation: Once you have identified the network you want to join, the station connect command helps initiate a connection to that network using the specified station.

Explanation: By executing the station connect command, you can connect the specified station to a specific Wi-Fi network identified by its network_name (SSID). If the network requires credentials (e.g., a password), iwctl will prompt for the required information during the connection process.

Example output:

Please enter the passphrase for network_name: ********
Successfully connected to network_name


Using the iwctl command, you can effectively manage your Wi-Fi connections and perform various tasks related to Wi-Fi networks. Whether you need to connect to a network, scan for available networks, or retrieve information about your network stations, iwctl provides a straightforward and efficient way to accomplish these tasks. With the examples provided in this article, you should have a solid understanding of how to use the iwctl command and leverage its capabilities to enhance your Wi-Fi experience.

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