How to use the command 'jetifier' (with examples)

How to use the command 'jetifier' (with examples)

This article will illustrate different use cases of the ‘jetifier’ command, which is a tool used to migrate project dependencies to or from the AndroidX format.

The ‘jetifier’ command is a tool in npm format that provides a seamless transition to AndroidX libraries while maintaining compatibility with React Native. It is commonly used when upgrading projects or libraries that still use the older Support Library to the AndroidX format.

Use case 1: Migrate project dependencies to the AndroidX format



Motivation: The motivation for using this command is to update project dependencies from the older Support Library to the AndroidX format. Migrating to the AndroidX format is important to ensure compatibility with newer Android features and libraries.

Explanation: When running the ‘jetifier’ command without any arguments, it will analyze the project and update all necessary dependencies to the AndroidX format. It will also modify the project’s configuration files and imports to ensure compatibility.

Example output:

Jetifier found 15 third-party library file(s), [...]
> JSFound: 1058. JNI found: 22. OK.
Updated 15 files. 

Use case 2: Migrate project dependencies from the AndroidX format


jetifier reverse

Motivation: The motivation for using this command is to revert the AndroidX format and migrate project dependencies back to the older Support Library format. This may be necessary if you encounter compatibility issues with certain libraries or if you need to support older versions of Android that don’t have AndroidX support.

Explanation: By adding the ‘reverse’ argument to the ‘jetifier’ command, it will analyze the project and update all necessary dependencies back to the older Support Library format. It will also modify the project’s configuration files and imports accordingly.

Example output:

Jetifier found 10 third-party library file(s), [...]
> JSFound: 820. JNI found: 12. OK.
Updated 10 files. 


The ‘jetifier’ command is a powerful tool for migrating project dependencies between the AndroidX format and the older Support Library format. It allows developers to easily update and revert project dependencies to accommodate for compatibility and support different versions of Android. Using the ‘jetifier’ command can simplify the process of transitioning to or from the AndroidX format, ensuring smooth integration with React Native and other libraries.

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