How to use the command jf (with examples)

How to use the command jf (with examples)

The jf command is used to interact with JFrog products like Artifactory, Xray, Distribution, Pipelines, and Mission Control. It provides a unified interface to manage and automate various operations across these products. This article illustrates different use cases of the jf command.

Use case 1: Add a new configuration


jf config add

Motivation: Adding a new configuration is necessary when you want to connect to a JFrog product for the first time or switch to a different instance. By adding a new configuration, you can specify the credentials, server URL, and other parameters required to connect to the JFrog product.

Explanation: The config add subcommand is used to add a new configuration. It prompts for various details such as server URL, username, password/API key, and whether to use SSL. Once the configuration is added, it can be referenced by its alias/name in subsequent jf commands.

Example output:

Config added successfully.
You can refer to this configuration using the alias 'myconfig'.

Use case 2: Show the current configuration


jf config show

Motivation: To ensure that the correct configuration is being used, you can use the config show subcommand to display the details of the current configuration. This is particularly useful if you have multiple configurations added and want to verify which one is active.

Explanation: The config show subcommand displays the details of the current configuration, including the alias/name, server URL, username, and whether SSL is enabled. It provides a snapshot of the currently active configuration.

Example output:

Current configuration:
   Alias: myconfig
   Server URL:
   Username: johndoe
   SSL Enabled: true

Use case 3: Search for artifacts within the given repository and directory


jf rt search --recursive repository_name/path/

Motivation: Searching for artifacts is important when you need to find specific files within a repository and directory. This can help in identifying the location of an artifact, checking if it exists, or understanding its usage.

Explanation: The rt search subcommand is used to search for artifacts within a given repository and directory. The --recursive option is used to enable recursive search, meaning it will search within subdirectories as well. The repository_name parameter should be replaced with the name of the repository to search in, and path/ should be replaced with the relative path within the repository to begin the search from.

Example output:

Searching artifacts in repository 'libs-release-local' at path 'com/example/':
1. com/example/myproject/1.0.0/myproject-1.0.0.jar
2. com/example/myproject/1.0.0/myproject-1.0.0.pom
3. com/example/myproject/1.0.0/myproject-1.0.0-sources.jar


The jf command provides a convenient way to interact with JFrog products through a single interface. By using the various subcommands and options, you can perform different operations such as configuring connections, displaying configurations, and searching for artifacts. These examples highlight some common use cases of the jf command and demonstrate its versatility in managing JFrog products.

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