How to use the command "jhipster" (with examples)

How to use the command "jhipster" (with examples)

The “jhipster” command is a web application generator that can be used to create a full-stack project using either a monolithic or microservices architecture. It provides a convenient way to quickly set up a project with all the necessary components and configurations. This command is part of the JHipster framework, which is a development platform for generating, developing, and deploying Spring Boot + Angular/React/Vue web applications and Spring microservices.

Use case 1: Generate a simple full-stack project (monolithic or microservices)




  • This use case is suitable for creating a new full-stack web application from scratch. It generates both the frontend and backend components of the project using the default configuration.


  • The command “jhipster” without any arguments generates a simple full-stack project with both the frontend and backend components. It provides a guided interface to select the desired options, such as the frontend framework (Angular, React, or Vue), the type of authentication, database configuration, and more.

Example output:

  • The output will include the generated files and directories for the frontend and backend components of the project, along with the initial configuration files.

Use case 2: Generate a simple frontend project


jhipster --skip-server


  • This use case is suitable when you already have a backend API and only need to create the frontend part of your application. It allows you to generate a project without the backend components, reducing the unnecessary code and configuration.


  • By passing the “–skip-server” flag to the “jhipster” command, it will only generate the frontend part of the project. This means that the backend API code, database configuration, and server-related files will not be created.

Example output:

  • The output will include the generated files and directories for the frontend project, including the selected frontend framework (Angular, React, or Vue) and the initial configuration files.

Use case 3: Generate a simple backend project


jhipster --skip-client


  • This use case is suitable when you already have a frontend application and need to create the backend API. It allows you to generate a project without the frontend components, reducing the unnecessary code and configuration.


  • By passing the “–skip-client” flag to the “jhipster” command, it will only generate the backend API part of the project. This means that the frontend code, frontend framework configuration, and client-related files will not be created.

Example output:

  • The output will include the generated files and directories for the backend API project, including the initial configuration files.

Use case 4: Apply latest JHipster updates to the project


jhipster upgrade


  • This use case is suitable when you have an existing JHipster project and want to apply the latest updates to it. JHipster regularly releases updates with bug fixes, new features, and improvements. Running this command will ensure that your project is up to date with the latest version of JHipster.


  • The “jhipster upgrade” command checks for any available updates in the JHipster framework and applies them to your existing project. It updates the project files, dependencies, and configurations to the latest version.

Example output:

  • The output will include the update details, such as the files being modified and any necessary changes to your project’s code or configuration.

Use case 5: Add a new entity to a generated project


jhipster entity entity_name


  • This use case is suitable when you want to add a new entity to your existing JHipster project. An entity represents a data model or table in your application’s database.


  • The “jhipster entity” command allows you to generate the necessary code and configurations for a new entity in your project. You need to provide the name of the entity as an argument. It will generate the entity class, database migration scripts, API endpoints, and front-end components (if applicable) based on the provided entity name.

Example output:

  • The output will include the generated files and directories related to the new entity, including the entity class, database migration scripts, API endpoints, and front-end components (if applicable).

Use case 6: Import a JDL file to configure your application


jhipster import-jdl first_file.jh second_file.jh ... n_file.jh


  • This use case is suitable when you want to configure your application using a JDL (JHipster Domain Language) file. JDL is a domain-specific language used by JHipster to define the entities, relationships, and other application configuration in a concise and readable format.


  • The “jhipster import-jdl” command allows you to import one or more JDL files to configure your application. You need to provide the JDL file paths as arguments. It will parse the JDL files, generate the necessary code and configurations, and apply them to your project.

Example output:

  • The output will include the generated files and directories based on the JDL file(s), including the entity classes, database migration scripts, API endpoints, and front-end components (if applicable).

Use case 7: Generate a CI/CD pipeline for your application


jhipster ci-cd


  • This use case is suitable when you want to set up a continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipeline for your JHipster project. A CI/CD pipeline automates the build, test, and deployment process of your application, ensuring smooth development and release cycles.


  • The “jhipster ci-cd” command generates the necessary configuration files for setting up a CI/CD pipeline. It includes the configuration for popular CI/CD tools like Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, Travis CI, and more. You can choose the preferred CI/CD tool during the guided setup process.

Example output:

  • The output will include the generated CI/CD configuration files and scripts specific to the chosen CI/CD tool. These files can be customized further to fit your specific project requirements.

Use case 8: Generate a Kubernetes configuration for your application


jhipster kubernetes


  • This use case is suitable when you want to deploy your JHipster project to a Kubernetes cluster. Kubernetes is a popular container orchestration platform that provides scalability, high availability, and automated deployment capabilities.


  • The “jhipster kubernetes” command generates the necessary Kubernetes configuration files for deploying your JHipster project to a Kubernetes cluster. It includes the configuration for services, deployments, ingress, and other Kubernetes resources.

Example output:

  • The output will include the generated Kubernetes configuration files, such as YAML files for services, deployments, ingress, and other resources. These files can be further customized to fit your specific Kubernetes environment and deployment requirements.


The “jhipster” command provides a wide range of use cases for generating, configuring, and deploying web applications using the JHipster framework. Whether you need a full-stack project, a frontend-only or backend-only project, or want to add entities, import JDL files, set up CI/CD, or deploy to Kubernetes, the “jhipster” command has you covered. It simplifies the project setup and configuration process, allowing developers to focus more on implementing business logic and delivering value.

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