How to Use the Command 'jmeter' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'jmeter' (with Examples)

Apache JMeter is an open-source Java application that is widely used for load testing and measuring the performance of various services. It is particularly useful for assessing functional behavior and performance under load for a variety of applications, ranging from web servers to databases.

JMeter offers a range of command-line options, and in this article, we will explore some of the key ways to utilize JMeter in non-graphical user interface (non-GUI) mode. This allows users to run load tests in environments where a GUI may not be available, or to automate tests as part of a build process.

Use Case 1: Run a Specific Test Plan in Non-GUI Mode


jmeter --nongui --testfile path/to/file.jmx


Running JMeter in non-GUI mode is a common practice for automating load testing, especially in environments such as continuous integration pipelines or remote servers where a graphical interface is not the best option. The reduction in resource consumption also makes it ideal for running large scale tests without the overhead of a GUI.


  • jmeter: This invokes the JMeter application using the command line.
  • --nongui: Tells JMeter to operate in non-GUI mode, which is resource-efficient and suitable for automated test environments.
  • --testfile path/to/file.jmx: Specifies the JMX test plan file that contains the details of the test to be executed.

Example Output:

During execution, the command will not generate a graphical interface, but rather output logs and results directly to the console or a specified log file. This might include information about test initialization, number of active threads, and test completion status.

Use Case 2: Run a Test Plan in Non-GUI Mode Using a Specific Log File


jmeter --nogui --testfile path/to/file.jmx --logfile path/to/logfile.jtl


Logging the results to a specific file allows users to retain detailed information about the test run, which can be analyzed later for performance patterns and anomalies. This is particularly useful in tracking test performance over time or as part of repeated automated tests.


  • --nogui: Commands JMeter to operate without a GUI.
  • --testfile path/to/file.jmx: Provides the test plan file location.
  • --logfile path/to/logfile.jtl: Directs JMeter to store log output in a specified JTL file (JMeter Test Log).

Example Output:

The specified log file will contain detailed results and status messages for the test execution, including metrics like thread counts, response times, and request/response details.

Use Case 3: Run a Test Plan in Non-GUI Mode Using a Specific Proxy


jmeter --nongui --testfile path/to/file.jmx --proxyHost --proxyPort 8888


Running tests through a proxy is crucial for environments that require internet access through a corporate proxy, or when simulating user behavior that needs to pass through certain network intermediaries. This usage also helps in capturing network traffic for analysis or debugging purposes.


  • --nongui: Runs JMeter in a non-graphical mode.
  • --testfile path/to/file.jmx: Indicates the test plan file.
  • --proxyHost Configures JMeter to use a specific proxy hostname or IP address (e.g., localhost).
  • --proxyPort 8888: Configures JMeter to use a specific proxy port (e.g., port 8888).

Example Output:

JMeter will route all test traffic through the specified proxy, and any network constraints or configurations enforced at the proxy level will be adhered to during the test.

Use Case 4: Run a Test Plan in Non-GUI Mode Using a Specific JMeter Property


jmeter --jmeterproperty key='value' --nongui --testfile path/to/file.jmx


Specifying properties allows for dynamic configuration of test parameters without altering the test plan itself, providing flexibility in adapting to different testing environments or conditions by simply altering command-line arguments.


  • --jmeterproperty key='value': Sets a custom JMeter property, which can tailor the behavior of the test plan based on the respective key-value pair. This is particularly useful for scenarios that require conditional test configurations.
  • --nongui: Executes the test in a non-GUI mode.
  • --testfile path/to/file.jmx: Denotes the JMX test plan file that will be executed.

Example Output:

The output will reflect test executions customized by the properties set, which might modify aspects like the number of concurrent users, server details, or test duration, depending on the defined property.


Understanding how to run JMeter in various configurations through command-line options enables robust, automated, and scalable performance testing. With the ability to execute test plans efficiently in non-GUI mode, JMeter provides essential flexibility and functionality that caters to the needs of diverse testing environments.

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