How to use the command 'jmeter' (with examples)

How to use the command 'jmeter' (with examples)

JMeter is an open-source Java application designed for load testing functional behavior and measuring performance. It is commonly used in software testing to simulate heavy loads on web servers, network services, and APIs.

Use case 1: Run a specific test plan in nongui mode


jmeter --nongui --testfile path/to/file.jmx


Running a test plan in nongui mode is useful when you want to execute JMeter tests in a headless environment, such as a server. It allows you to run tests without the need for a user interface.


  • --nongui: Specifies that JMeter should be run in nongui mode, without the graphical user interface.
  • --testfile: Specifies the path to the JMX test file that contains the test plan to be executed.

Example Output:

summary =      239 in   00:00:10 =   23.2/s Avg:   232 Min:     0 Max:   922 Err:     0 (0.00%)

This output shows a summary of the test execution, including the number of requests, the average requests per second, and any errors encountered during the test.

Use case 2: Run a test plan in nongui mode using a specific log file


jmeter --nogui --testfile path/to/file.jmx --logfile path/to/logfile.jtl


Using a specific log file allows you to store the test results in a separate file, which can be useful for further analysis or reporting. It helps to keep the test execution and result data separate.


  • --nogui: Specifies that JMeter should be run in nongui mode.
  • --testfile: Specifies the path to the JMX test file.
  • --logfile: Specifies the path to the log file where the test results will be saved.

Example Output:

The test results will be saved in the specified log file in JTL (JMeter Test Log) format. This format contains detailed information about each sample request, including response times, success/failure status, and other metrics.

Use case 3: Run a test plan in nongui mode using a specific proxy


jmeter --nongui --testfile path/to/file.jmx --proxyHost --proxyPort 8888


Running a test plan with a specific proxy allows you to monitor and record the network traffic generated by JMeter. This can be useful for analyzing and debugging the requests and responses sent during the test.


  • --nongui: Specifies that JMeter should be run in nongui mode.
  • --testfile: Specifies the path to the JMX test file.
  • --proxyHost: Specifies the IP address or hostname of the proxy server.
  • --proxyPort: Specifies the port number on which the proxy server is listening.

Example Output:

When running the test plan with a specific proxy, JMeter will intercept and record the network traffic, but no output will be shown in the command line. The recorded traffic can be analyzed later using tools such as Wireshark or by importing it into JMeter for further analysis.

Use case 4: Run a test plan in nongui mode using a specific JMeter property


jmeter --jmeterproperty key='value' --nongui --testfile path/to/file.jmx


Using a specific JMeter property allows you to customize the behavior of JMeter during the test execution. It can be used to configure various settings, such as the number of threads, ramp-up time, or any other JMeter property defined in your test plan.


  • --jmeterproperty: Specifies a key-value pair of JMeter properties.
  • key='value': Specifies the key-value pair of the JMeter property to be set.

Example Output:

The output will show the test execution results based on the specified JMeter property. For example, if the JMeter property threads is set to 100, the output will display the summary of the test execution with 100 threads.


The ‘jmeter’ command provides various options to customize and execute JMeter test plans. Whether you want to run tests in a headless environment, store results in a separate log file, monitor network traffic with a proxy, or modify JMeter properties, the command offers flexibility and versatility. By understanding each use case and its associated arguments, you can effectively utilize JMeter for load testing and performance measurement.

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