How to use the command k8sec (with examples)

How to use the command k8sec (with examples)

k8sec is a command-line interface tool used to manage Kubernetes secrets. It provides a set of commands to list, set, unset, load, and dump secrets in a Kubernetes cluster.

Use case 1: List all secrets


k8sec list

Motivation: This use case allows users to list all secrets in the Kubernetes cluster. It can be useful for understanding the current secrets available and their names.

Explanation: The list command is used to list all secrets in the Kubernetes cluster.

Example output:


Use case 2: List a specific secret as a base64-encoded string


k8sec list secret_name --base64

Motivation: This use case allows users to view the value of a specific secret as a base64-encoded string. It can be helpful for checking the value of a secret without having to decode it manually.

Explanation: The list command is used to list a specific secret. The secret_name argument specifies the name of the secret. The --base64 flag is used to indicate that the secret value should be displayed as a base64-encoded string.

Example output:

SECRET NAME    VALUE (Base64-encoded)
secret1        ZGF0YXNldHBhc3M=

Use case 3: Set a secret’s value


k8sec set secret_name key=value

Motivation: This use case allows users to set or update the value of a secret. It can be handy when managing secret values within a Kubernetes cluster.

Explanation: The set command is used to set or update a secret’s value. The secret_name argument specifies the name of the secret. The key=value argument pairs are used to specify the key-value pairs that make up the secret’s value.

Example output:

Secret "secret1" set

Use case 4: Set a base64-encoded value


k8sec set --base64 secret_name key=encoded_value

Motivation: This use case allows users to set or update the value of a secret with a base64-encoded string. It is useful when dealing with secrets that contain special characters or binary data.

Explanation: The set command is used to set or update a secret’s value. The --base64 flag is used to indicate that the value is provided as a base64-encoded string. The secret_name argument specifies the name of the secret. The key=encoded_value argument pairs are used to specify the key-value pairs that make up the secret value.

Example output:

Secret "secret1" set

Use case 5: Unset a secret


k8sec unset secret_name

Motivation: This use case allows users to unset a secret, i.e., delete the secret from the Kubernetes cluster. It can be useful when managing secrets and no longer needing certain values.

Explanation: The unset command is used to unset or delete a secret. The secret_name argument specifies the name of the secret.

Example output:

Secret "secret1" unset

Use case 6: Load secrets from a file


k8sec load -f path/to/file secret_name

Motivation: This use case allows users to load secrets from a file into the Kubernetes cluster. It is useful when managing multiple secrets or importing secrets from other sources.

Explanation: The load command is used to load secrets from a file. The -f flag is used to specify the path to the file containing the secrets. The secret_name argument specifies the name of the secret that will be created or updated.

Example output:

Secret "secret1" set

Use case 7: Dump secrets to a file


k8sec dump -f path/to/file secret_name

Motivation: This use case allows users to dump secrets to a file. It is useful for exporting or backing up secrets from the Kubernetes cluster.

Explanation: The dump command is used to dump secrets to a file. The -f flag is used to specify the path to the file where the secrets will be dumped. The secret_name argument specifies the name of the secret to be dumped.

Example output:

Secret "secret1" dumped to file "path/to/file"


The k8sec command-line interface tool provides a convenient way to manage Kubernetes secrets. With its various commands, users can list, set, unset, load, and dump secrets, allowing for efficient secret management in a Kubernetes cluster.

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