Kaggle CLI Use Cases (with examples)

Kaggle CLI Use Cases (with examples)

Kaggle is a popular platform for data science and machine learning competitions. The Kaggle Command Line Interface (CLI) allows users to interact with Kaggle directly from the command line. In this article, we will explore different use cases of the Kaggle CLI and provide code examples for each case.

Viewing Current Configuration Values

To view the current configuration values of the Kaggle CLI, we can use the following command:

kaggle config view

Motivation: It is important to view the current configuration values to ensure that the Kaggle CLI is properly configured. This includes checking the values for the Kaggle API username, API key, and default competition.

Explanation: The config view command displays the current configuration values of the Kaggle CLI. It provides information such as the Kaggle API username, API key, default competition, and other configuration options.

Example Output:

Configuration values for Kaggle CLI:
- username: john_doe
- key: *******************************
- competition: titanic

In this example, we can see that the username is “john_doe”, the API key is obfuscated for security purposes, and the default competition is “titanic”.

Downloading a File from a Competition Dataset

To download a specific file from a competition dataset, we can use the following command:

kaggle competitions download competition -f filename

Motivation: When working on a Kaggle competition, it is often necessary to download specific files from the competition dataset. This could include training data, testing data, or any other files provided by the competition organizers.

Explanation: The competitions download command is used to download files from a competition dataset. The competition argument specifies the competition slug, which is the unique identifier for the competition. The -f or --file flag is used to specify the filename of the file to be downloaded.

Example Output:

Downloading filename.zip to /home/user/filename.zip
100%|█████████████████████████████████████| 100M/100M [00:10<00:00, 9.99MB/s]

In this example, we can see that the file “filename.zip” is being downloaded to the location “/home/user/filename.zip”. The progress bar shows the download progress, and the speed of the download is displayed as “9.99MB/s”.


The Kaggle CLI provides a convenient way to interact with Kaggle from the command line. In this article, we explored two common use cases of the Kaggle CLI: viewing current configuration values and downloading files from competition datasets. The provided code examples, motivations, explanations, and example outputs should help you get started with using the Kaggle CLI effectively.

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