Kak (with examples)

Kak (with examples)


Kakoune is a mode-based code editor that implements the “multiple selections” paradigm. It allows users to select and edit data simultaneously in different locations using multiple selections. Additionally, users can connect to the same session for collaborative editing. This article will provide several examples of different use cases for the kak command.

Example 1: Opening a file and entering normal mode

kak path/to/file

Motivation: This command allows you to open a file in Kakoune and start editing it. It is useful when you want to work on a specific file using Kakoune’s features.

Explanation: The kak command is followed by the path to the file you want to open. Kakoune will then launch, and the file will be loaded for editing. By default, Kakoune starts in normal mode, where you can execute commands.

Example Output: If you run kak path/to/file, Kakoune will open with the specified file loaded for editing.

Example 2: Entering insert mode from normal mode


Motivation: This command allows you to switch from normal mode to insert mode in Kakoune. In insert mode, you can directly write text into the file.

Explanation: In Kakoune, mode switching is an essential part of the editing process. By pressing i in normal mode, you can enter insert mode, where any text you type will be added to the file.

Example Output: When you press i in normal mode, Kakoune will switch to insert mode, and the cursor will be positioned at the current location in the file. You can then start typing your desired text.

Example 3: Escaping insert mode to return to normal mode


Motivation: This command is used to exit insert mode and return to normal mode in Kakoune. It allows you to stop inserting text and execute commands or navigate through the file.

Explanation: In Kakoune, press <Escape> to exit insert mode. This will bring you back to normal mode, where you can execute commands, navigate the file, or perform other operations.

Example Output: After pressing <Escape>, Kakoune will switch from insert mode to normal mode, and the cursor will no longer be positioned to insert text. You can then perform other actions, such as moving the cursor or executing commands.

Example 4: Replacing all instances of a string in the current file


Motivation: This command is useful for quickly replacing all instances of a specific string in the current file. It can save time and effort when you need to make consistent changes throughout the file.

Explanation: The command %s is used to search and replace text in Kakoune. In this example, the string “foo” is identified as the search pattern, and “bar” is the replacement text. The command ends with <Enter> to initiate the search and replace, followed by <Escape> to return to normal mode after the operation is completed.

Example Output: After executing the command, Kakoune will replace all instances of the string “foo” with “bar” in the current file.

Example 5: Unselecting secondary selections


Motivation: Kakoune allows for multiple selections, where you can work with several parts of the file simultaneously. This command allows you to unselect all secondary selections, keeping only the main selection.

Explanation: By pressing <Space> in Kakoune, you can unselect any secondary selections, thereby keeping only the main selection. This can be useful when you want to focus on a specific part of the file without affecting other selected areas.

Example Output: After pressing <Space>, all secondary selections in Kakoune will be unselected, and only the main selection remains active.

Example 6: Searching for numbers and selecting the first two


Motivation: This command allows you to search for specific patterns in the file, in this case, numbers. By selecting the first two occurrences, you can easily perform operations or modifications on them.

Explanation: The command / is used to initiate a search in Kakoune. In this example, the regular expression \d+ is used to search for numbers. After typing the pattern, press <Enter> to execute the search. The N command is then used to select the first match, and <Enter> is pressed again to select the second match.

Example Output: After executing the command, Kakoune will search for numbers in the file and select the first two occurrences, allowing you to perform further actions on them.

Example 7: Inserting the contents of a file

!cat path/to/file<Enter>

Motivation: Kakoune allows you to insert the contents of a file into the current file without leaving the editor. This command is helpful when you want to include or append the contents of another file.

Explanation: The ! command in Kakoune enables running an external command from within the editor. In this example, the command cat path/to/file is used to read the contents of a file. By executing this command, the contents of the specified file will be inserted at the current cursor position.

Example Output: After executing the command, Kakoune will insert the contents of the specified file at the current cursor position.

Example 8: Saving the current file


Motivation: Saving the current file is essential to ensure that any changes made are preserved. This command is used to write the modifications made in Kakoune to the disk.

Explanation: The :w command in Kakoune is used to save the current file. By executing this command, any changes made will be written to the disk, preserving them for future use.

Example Output: After executing the command, Kakoune will save the current file, ensuring that any modifications made are preserved.


Kakoune is a powerful code editor that offers various features to enhance productivity and streamline the editing process. By utilizing the kak command and its associated options, you can efficiently work with files, perform search and replace operations, and collaborate with others in real-time. Understanding these different use cases and commands will help you make the most of Kakoune’s functionalities.

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