How to use the command 'kate' (with examples)

How to use the command 'kate' (with examples)

KDE’s advanced text editor, Kate, is a powerful tool for editing and manipulating text files. It offers a variety of features and options that make it a versatile editor for both beginners and advanced users. In this article, we will explore several use cases of the kate command and how it can be used to enhance your text editing workflow.

Use case 1: Open specific files


kate path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...


Opening specific files in Kate is a common task. By using the kate command followed by the file paths, you can quickly open multiple files in separate tabs or windows within one instance of Kate.


The kate command is used to open a specific file or multiple files in Kate. You can provide the file paths separated by spaces after the kate command. Kate will open each file in a new tab or window, depending on your Kate settings.

Example output:

When executing the following command:

kate /home/user/document1.txt /home/user/document2.txt

Kate will open two files, document1.txt and document2.txt, in separate tabs within the same Kate instance.

Use case 2: Open specific remote files


kate ...


Being able to open remote files directly in Kate can be useful for accessing files stored on remote servers. By using the kate command and providing the URL of the remote file, you can open and edit the file directly in Kate.


To open a specific remote file in Kate, you can use the kate command followed by the URL of the file you want to open. Kate will download the remote file and open it for editing.

Example output:

Executing the following command:


Kate will download the document1.txt file from the server and open it in a new tab within the Kate instance.

Use case 3: Create a new editor instance even if one is already open


kate --new


Sometimes you may need to create a new instance of Kate even if there is already one open. This can be useful when you want to work on multiple projects simultaneously or when you need to compare two files side by side.


The --new option is used with the kate command to create a new instance of Kate, even if there is already one open. This allows you to have multiple instances of Kate running at the same time.

Example output:

Executing the following command:

kate --new

Will open a new instance of Kate, even if there is already one open.

Use case 4: Open a file with the cursor at the specific line


kate --line line_number path/to/file


When working with large files, it can be tedious to scroll through the document to find the specific line you need. By using the --line option with the kate command, you can open a file in Kate with the cursor positioned at a specific line, saving you time and effort.


The --line option is used to specify the line number at which the cursor should be positioned when opening a file in Kate. You can provide the line number followed by the file path after the --line option.

Example output:

Executing the following command:

kate --line 10 /home/user/document.txt

Will open the document.txt file in Kate with the cursor positioned at line 10.

Use case 5: Open a file with the cursor at the specific line and column


kate --line line_number --column column_number path/to/file


Being able to navigate to a specific line and column in a text file can be essential when dealing with code or other structured data. By using the --line and --column options with the kate command, you can open a file in Kate with the cursor positioned at a specific line and column.


The --line and --column options are used together to specify the exact position of the cursor when opening a file in Kate. The line number should be provided after the --line option, and the column number should be provided after the --column option. The file path should come last.

Example output:

Executing the following command:

kate --line 10 --column 5 /home/user/document.txt

Will open the document.txt file in Kate with the cursor positioned at line 10 and column 5.

Use case 6: Create a file from stdin


cat path/to/file | kate --stdin


Sometimes you may want to create a new file in Kate by piping the content from another command or file. By using the cat command to read the file content and passing it to Kate using the --stdin option, you can easily create a new file with the desired content.


The cat command is used to read the contents of a file and output them to the console. By piping the output of cat to the kate command with the --stdin option, you can create a new file in Kate and fill it with the content from the piped input.

Example output:

Executing the following command:

cat /home/user/text.txt | kate --stdin

Will create a new file in Kate and populate it with the content of the text.txt file.

Use case 7: Display help


kate --help


When you need a quick reference or a reminder of the available options and arguments for the kate command, the --help option comes in handy. It displays a help message with a summary of the options and their usage.


The --help option is used with the kate command to display a help message. It provides information about the various options and their usage, helping users understand how to use the kate command effectively.

Example output:

Executing the following command:

kate --help

Will display a help message with a summary of the available options and their usage for the kate command.


The kate command offers a wide range of features and options that can enhance your text editing workflow. Whether you need to open specific files, work with remote files, or navigate to specific lines and columns, the kate command provides the flexibility and functionality you need. By familiarizing yourself with these use cases, you can take full advantage of Kate’s capabilities and optimize your text editing experience.

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