How to use the command 'kdeconnect-cli' (with examples)

How to use the command 'kdeconnect-cli' (with examples)

KDE Connect is a project that aims to seamlessly integrate your devices. It enables communication between your smartphone and your computer, allowing you to easily share files, receive notifications, and control your computer from your phone. The ‘kdeconnect-cli’ command is the command-line interface for KDE Connect and provides a convenient way to interact with the connected devices.

Use case 1: List all devices


kdeconnect-cli --list-devices

Motivation: The motivation for listing all devices is to get an overview of all the devices currently connected to KDE Connect.

Explanation: The --list-devices argument is used to list all the devices connected to KDE Connect. When this argument is provided, the command will print out a list of all the connected devices, along with their IDs and names.

Example output:

ID: 1, Name: My Phone
ID: 2, Name: My Laptop
ID: 3, Name: My Tablet

Use case 2: List available devices


kdeconnect-cli --list-available

Motivation: The motivation for listing available devices is to check which devices are currently paired and reachable.

Explanation: The --list-available argument is used to list all the devices that are currently available. These devices include both paired and reachable devices. The command will print out a list of all the available devices, along with their IDs and names.

Example output:

ID: 2, Name: My Laptop
ID: 3, Name: My Tablet

Use case 3: Request pairing with a specific device


kdeconnect-cli --pair --device device_id

Motivation: The motivation for requesting pairing with a specific device is to establish a connection between the computer and the device.

Explanation: The --pair argument is used to request pairing with a specific device. The --device argument is used to specify the ID of the device we want to pair with. After running this command, KDE Connect will display a pairing request on the specified device, and the user will need to accept the request on the device to complete the pairing process.

Example output:

Pairing request sent to device with ID 2.

Use case 4: Ring a device


kdeconnect-cli --ring --name "device_name"

Motivation: The motivation for ringing a device is to locate a misplaced device or get someone’s attention.

Explanation: The --ring argument is used to ring a specific device. The --name argument is used to specify the name of the device we want to ring. After running this command, the specified device will start ringing, alerting the user to its location or presence.

Example output:

Device named "My Laptop" is now ringing.

Use case 5: Share an URL or file with a paired device


kdeconnect-cli --share url|path/to/file --device device_id

Motivation: The motivation for sharing an URL or file with a paired device is to quickly transfer information or files between devices.

Explanation: The --share argument is used to share an URL or file with a specific device. The url|path/to/file argument should be replaced with the actual URL or file path you want to share. The --device argument is used to specify the ID of the device we want to share with. After running this command, KDE Connect will initiate the transfer to the specified device.

Example output:

URL sent successfully to device with ID 2.

Use case 6: Send an SMS with an optional attachment to a specific number


kdeconnect-cli --name "device_name" --send-sms "message" --destination phone_number --attachment path/to/file

Motivation: The motivation for sending an SMS with an optional attachment is to send messages with additional content, such as pictures or files.

Explanation: The --send-sms argument is used to send an SMS message with an optional attachment. The --name argument is used to specify the name of the device we want to send the SMS from. The --destination argument is used to specify the phone number of the recipient. The --attachment argument is used to specify the optional attachment file path. After running this command, KDE Connect will send the SMS to the specified phone number from the specified device.

Example output:

SMS sent successfully to phone number 1234567890.

Use case 7: Unlock a specific device


kdeconnect-cli --name "device_name" --unlock

Motivation: The motivation for unlocking a specific device is to remotely unlock the device without physically interacting with it.

Explanation: The --unlock argument is used to unlock a specific device. The --name argument is used to specify the name of the device we want to unlock. After running this command, KDE Connect will send an unlock signal to the specified device, unlocking it if it is locked.

Example output:

Device named "My Laptop" is now unlocked.

Use case 8: Simulate a key press on a specific device


kdeconnect-cli --name "device_name" --send-keys key

Motivation: The motivation for simulating a key press on a specific device is to remotely control the device by emulating keyboard input.

Explanation: The --send-keys argument is used to simulate a key press on a specific device. The --name argument is used to specify the name of the device we want to simulate the key press on. The key argument should be replaced with the actual key you want to simulate. After running this command, KDE Connect will send the key press signal to the specified device, emulating the pressed key.

Example output:

Key "space" simulated on device named "My Laptop".


The ‘kdeconnect-cli’ command provides a versatile way to interact with connected devices through KDE Connect. With its various use cases, such as pairing devices, sharing files, sending SMS, and controlling devices remotely, the command empowers users to seamlessly integrate their devices and enhance their overall experience. Whether you want to find a misplaced device, transfer files, or send messages with attachments, the ‘kdeconnect-cli’ command is your go-to tool for all things KDE Connect.

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