How to use the command 'kdialog' (with examples)

How to use the command 'kdialog' (with examples)

Kdialog is a command-line utility that allows users to display various types of dialog boxes within shell scripts. These dialog boxes are part of the KDE Desktop Environment and can be used to interact with users, gather information, and display important messages or warnings. In this article, we will explore different use cases of the ‘kdialog’ command and provide examples for each.

Use case 1: Open a dialog box displaying a specific message


kdialog --msgbox "Hello, World!" "This is a detailed message"

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to display an important message or information to the user. The ‘msgbox’ dialog box can be used to provide a brief summary of the message and an optional detailed message for further explanation.


  • --msgbox: Specifies the type of dialog box to open.
  • “Hello, World!”: The main message to display in the dialog box.
  • “This is a detailed message”: An optional detailed message for additional information.

Example output: A dialog box will open with the main message “Hello, World!” and the detailed message “This is a detailed message”.

Use case 2: Open a question dialog with a yes and no button, returning 0 and 1, respectively


kdialog --yesno "Do you want to proceed?"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    echo "User clicked 'Yes'"
    echo "User clicked 'No'"

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you need to prompt the user with a question and perform different actions based on their response. By using the ‘yesno’ dialog box, you can obtain the user’s choice and use it for conditional statements in your shell script.


  • --yesno: Specifies the type of dialog box to open.
  • “Do you want to proceed?”: The question to display in the dialog box.

Example output: A dialog box will open with the question “Do you want to proceed?”. If the user clicks ‘Yes’, the script will print “User clicked ‘Yes’”. If the user clicks ‘No’, the script will print “User clicked ‘No’”.

Use case 3: Open a warning dialog with a yes, no, and cancel button, returning 0, 1, or 2, respectively


kdialog --warningyesnocancel "Are you sure you want to continue?"
case $? in
        echo "User clicked 'Yes'"
        echo "User clicked 'No'"
        echo "User clicked 'Cancel'"

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to display a warning message and provide the user with options to continue, cancel, or choose an alternative action. The ‘warningyesnocancel’ dialog box allows you to obtain the user’s choice and handle it accordingly in your shell script.


  • --warningyesnocancel: Specifies the type of dialog box to open.
  • “Are you sure you want to continue?”: The warning message to display in the dialog box.

Example output: A dialog box will open with the warning message “Are you sure you want to continue?”. If the user clicks ‘Yes’, the script will print “User clicked ‘Yes’”. If the user clicks ‘No’, the script will print “User clicked ‘No’”. If the user clicks ‘Cancel’, the script will print “User clicked ‘Cancel’”.

Use case 4: Open an input dialog box and print the input to stdout when OK is pressed


result=$(kdialog --inputbox "Please enter your name:" "John Doe")
echo "User input: $result"

Motivation: This use case is handy when you need to gather user input within a shell script. The ‘inputbox’ dialog box allows users to type in their response, and the script can capture that input and use it in subsequent operations.


  • --inputbox: Specifies the type of dialog box to open.
  • “Please enter your name:”: The prompt message to display in the dialog box.
  • “John Doe”: An optional default text that will appear in the input field.

Example output: A dialog box will open with the prompt message “Please enter your name:” and an input field. If the user clicks ‘OK’ after entering their name, the script will print “User input: John Doe” (assuming the user entered ‘John Doe’).

Use case 5: Open a dialog to prompt for a specific password and print it to stdout


result=$(kdialog --password "Please enter your password:")
echo "Password: $result"

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you need to request sensitive information such as passwords from users within a shell script. The ‘password’ dialog box allows users to securely enter their password, and the script can capture and process it accordingly.


  • --password: Specifies the type of dialog box to open.
  • “Please enter your password:”: The prompt message to display in the dialog box.

Example output: A dialog box will open with the prompt message “Please enter your password:”. When the user enters their password and clicks ‘OK’, the script will print “Password: ”.

Use case 6: Open a dialog containing a specific dropdown menu and print the selected item to stdout


result=$(kdialog --combobox "Select a color:" "Red" "Green" "Blue")
echo "Selected color: $result"

Motivation: This use case is beneficial when you want to present the user with a list of options and capture their selection within a shell script. The ‘combobox’ dialog box allows users to choose an item from the dropdown menu, and the script can retrieve and process the selected item.


  • --combobox: Specifies the type of dialog box to open.
  • “Select a color:”: The prompt message to display in the dialog box.
  • “Red”, “Green”, “Blue”: The items to populate the dropdown menu.

Example output: A dialog box will open with the prompt message “Select a color:” and a dropdown menu with options “Red”, “Green”, and “Blue”. After the user selects a color and clicks ‘OK’, the script will print “Selected color: ”.

Use case 7: Open a file chooser dialog and print the selected file’s path to stdout


result=$(kdialog --getopenfilename)
echo "Selected file: $result"

Motivation: This use case is useful when you need users to select a file or specify a file path within a shell script. The ‘getopenfilename’ dialog box opens a file chooser dialog, allowing the user to navigate and select a file. The script can then capture the selected file’s path and use it in subsequent operations.


  • --getopenfilename: Specifies the type of file chooser dialog to open.

Example output: A file chooser dialog will open, allowing the user to browse and select a file. After selecting a file and clicking ‘OK’, the script will print “Selected file: ”.

Use case 8: Open a progress bar dialog and print a DBUS reference for communication to stdout


result=$(kdialog --progressbar "Loading...")
echo "DBus reference: $result"

Motivation: This use case is beneficial when you want to display a progress bar to indicate the progress of a lengthy operation within a shell script. The ‘progressbar’ dialog box shows a progress bar and returns a DBus reference that allows communication with the progress bar.


  • --progressbar: Specifies the type of dialog box to open.
  • “Loading…”: The message to display alongside the progress bar.

Example output: A dialog box with a progress bar and the message “Loading…” will appear. The script will print “DBus reference: ” which can be used to communicate with the progress bar or update its values in the future.


The ‘kdialog’ command provides a convenient way to display dialog boxes within shell scripts, enabling interaction with users and enhancing the user experience. By exploring the various use cases and examples provided in this article, you can effectively utilize these dialog boxes to gather information, display messages or warnings, prompt for passwords, and much more. Incorporate ‘kdialog’ into your workflows to create powerful and user-friendly scripts.

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