How to use the command 'kdocker' (with examples)

How to use the command 'kdocker' (with examples)

‘kdocker’ is a command that allows you to easily dock applications to the system tray. It provides various options to send windows of applications to the system tray, set custom icons, and control the behavior of the application in the system tray.

Use case 1: Display a cursor to send a window to the system tray when pressing the left mouse button (press any other mouse button to cancel)



Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to send a specific window to the system tray without minimizing it or closing the application. It provides a convenient way to keep a window accessible in the system tray while freeing up space in the taskbar.

Explanation: The command “kdocker” without any arguments opens a cursor that allows you to select a window by pressing the left mouse button. When you select a window, it will be sent to the system tray. If you press any other mouse button during the selection process, the operation will be canceled.

Example output: N/A (The output would be the selected window being sent to the system tray.)

Use case 2: Open an application and send it to the system tray


kdocker application

Motivation: This use case is useful when you regularly use a specific application and want it to stay accessible in the system tray. By sending the application to the system tray, you can quickly access its features without cluttering the taskbar.

Explanation: By executing the command “kdocker” followed by the name of the application, the application will be opened and immediately sent to the system tray.

Example output: N/A (The output would be the application being opened and sent to the system tray.)

Use case 3: Send focused window to the system tray


kdocker -f

Motivation: This use case is beneficial when you have multiple windows open and want to quickly send the currently focused window to the system tray. It provides a convenient way to minimize windows without losing access to them.

Explanation: By adding the “-f” flag to the “kdocker” command, the currently focused window will be sent to the system tray.

Example output: N/A (The output would be the focused window being sent to the system tray.)

Use case 4: Display a cursor to send a window to the system tray with a custom icon when pressing the left mouse button


kdocker -i /path/to/icon

Motivation: This use case allows you to customize the appearance of the application in the system tray by providing a custom icon. It is handy when you want to personalize the visuals of the application or match it with your preferred theme.

Explanation: By adding the “-i” flag to the “kdocker” command followed by the path to the custom icon, a cursor will be opened to select a window. When the left mouse button is pressed, the selected window will be sent to the system tray with the specified custom icon.

Example output: N/A (The output would be the selected window being sent to the system tray with the custom icon.)

Use case 5: Open an application, send it to the system tray, and if focus is lost, minimize it


kdocker -l application

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to automatically minimize an application if it loses focus. It helps to keep your workspace tidy and organized by minimizing applications that you are not currently using.

Explanation: By using the “-l” flag followed by the name of the application, the application will be opened, sent to the system tray, and if focus is lost, it will be minimized.

Example output: N/A (The output would be the application being opened, sent to the system tray, and minimized when focus is lost.)

Use case 6: Print version


kdocker --version

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to check the version of ‘kdocker’ installed on your system. It allows you to verify if you have the latest version or if an update is required.

Explanation: By executing the command “kdocker” followed by the “–version” flag, the version of ‘kdocker’ will be displayed in the terminal.

Example output: “kdocker version x.x.x” (The output would be the version of ‘kdocker’ installed on your system.)

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