How to Use the Command 'khal' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'khal' (with Examples)

Khal is a powerful, text-based calendar and scheduling application that operates directly from the command line. It caters to users who prefer a minimalistic approach to managing their schedules without relying on robust software with graphical user interfaces. If you’re a fan of operating terminal applications or simply want a lighter, faster way to manage your calendar, Khal might be the solution for you. More information about this tool can be found on their official page here . Let’s explore some practical use cases for Khal, showcasing its capabilities and commands.

Use Case 1: Start Khal in Interactive Mode




Interactive mode, initiated by the command ikhal, allows users to interact with their calendars in a more visually structured way within the terminal. This mode is beneficial for people who prefer an interface to browse through their events, similar to what GUI calendar applications provide, but without leaving the command line environment.


  • ikhal: This command launches the interactive version of Khal, providing a TUI (Text-based User Interface) that helps in navigating and managing calendar entries efficiently through keyboard shortcuts and a visually structured format.

Example Output:

Upon running ikhal, the terminal window transforms into a screen showing the current month’s calendar, along with a list of upcoming events and additional options to add, edit, or remove entries as needed.

Use Case 2: Print All Events Scheduled in Personal Calendar for the Next Seven Days


khal list -a personal today 7d


This use case is perfect for users looking to get a quick overview of their upcoming schedule for the next week. It aggregates all events under the ‘personal’ calendar, providing a clear list without needing to open or scroll through multiple entries or interfaces.


  • khal: Invokes the Khal application.
  • list: The action to list or display events in the calendar.
  • -a personal: Specifies that events from the ‘personal’ calendar should be queried.
  • today: Begins the search from today’s date.
  • 7d: Continues the search and display for 7 days ahead from today.

Example Output:

Running this command could result in an output like:

10:00am - Team Meeting
02:00pm - Doctor’s Appointment

08:00am - Gym Session

This format provides clear, concise information about scheduled events over the selected period.

Use Case 3: Print All Events Scheduled Not in Personal Calendar for Tomorrow at 10:00


khal at -d personal tomorrow 10:00


Users who manage multiple calendars might want to see events from specific sources excluding their ‘personal’ schedule. This command is useful for such tasks, particularly if someone needs to focus solely on work-related or other specific calendar events.


  • khal: Starts the Khal application.
  • at: Sub-command to fetch events at a specific date and time.
  • -d personal: Excludes the ‘personal’ calendar from the search.
  • tomorrow: Sets the date for the command’s execution to one day after the current date.
  • 10:00: Specifies the time of interest for listing events.

Example Output:

When executed, you might see:

Work Calendar:
- Project deadline review at 10:00am

Birthday Calendar:
- John's Birthday at 10:00am

This reflects only non-personal calendar entries for the specified time.

Use Case 4: Print a Calendar with a List of Events for the Next Three Months


khal calendar


For long-term planning and foresight, seeing the big picture of upcoming events across months is essential. This command pulls a concise and organized look at your calendar events over a broader timeframe.


  • khal: Main application used for the operation.
  • calendar: This argument prints the calendar’s view, showing the schedule spanning over configurable months ahead, typically up to three months unless otherwise specified.

Example Output:

The output would render something like:

October 2023
- [8th] Dentist Appointment
- [14th] Seminar Presentation

November 2023
- [2nd] Conference Call
- [16th] Family Trip

December 2023
- [25th] Christmas Party

This aids in long-term personal or professional planning.

Use Case 5: Add a New Event to Personal Calendar


khal new -a personal 2020-09-08 18:00 18:30 "Dentist appointment"


Adding events to the calendar quickly and efficiently helps in staying organized. This use case allows users to book appointments or events directly from the terminal without navigating through complex menus or web interfaces.


  • khal: Launches the Khal application command.
  • new: Indicates the creation of a new calendar event.
  • -a personal: Tags the new event under the ‘personal’ calendar.
  • 2020-09-08: Sets the date for the event, in this instance, the 8th of September 2020.
  • 18:00 18:30: Specifies the event’s start time and end time.
  • "Dentist appointment": Provides the description or title of the event.

Example Output:

The action confirms the creation of an event, for example:

Event 'Dentist appointment' on 2020-09-08 from 18:00 to 18:30 added to personal calendar.

This reflects simple efficiency in maintaining schedules.


Khal offers a remarkable, simplified way of managing calendar events from the terminal. By exploring these use cases, we notice its capability in providing structured, easy command-line solutions for many calendar management needs—ranging from viewing to arranging appointments efficiently. For terminal enthusiasts and those striving for a lightweight approach to scheduling, Khal stands as a noteworthy tool.

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