Mastering the Command 'killall' (with examples)

Mastering the Command 'killall' (with examples)

The killall command is a versatile tool used to manage processes in various operating systems, primarily Unix and Linux. It allows users to send signals to all instances of a process based on its name. This can be instrumental in system administration for terminating processes when they no longer respond or need to be restarted. The command supports various signals, offering flexibility in how processes are handled and ensuring that users can execute clean exits or force terminations as needed.

Use case 1: Terminate a process using the default SIGTERM (terminate) signal


killall process_name


Imagine you’ve installed a new version of a software application, but the running instances of the old version are still occupying the system resources. By terminating all instances of that process, you can ensure that the new version runs smoothly without interference. This use case provides a way to manage resources efficiently by halting processes you no longer need.


  • killall: This is the command being utilized to send signals to multiple processes.
  • process_name: This parameter specifies the exact name of the process you intend to terminate. The command identifies all running instances of this process by name.

Example output:

Depending on the state of the system and permissions, the output might be sparse or verbose. No news is good news in many Unix commands, with a successful operation often resulting in no response. However, you might receive an error if there are issues:

No process killed

or simply,

<no output>

indicating the process was terminated without issues.

Use case 2: List available signal names


killall --list


In scenarios where you need to send specific signals to processes, it’s essential to know the available signal options. This use case helps users familiarize themselves with different signals that can be utilized, allowing them to customize the way processes are handled — whether they need an immediate stop or a graceful shutdown.


  • killall: The command used to manage processes by sending signals.
  • --list: A flag that, when used, lists all the available signal names, providing an overview of all options without any action on processes.

Example output:

The output will be a list of signal names available in your system, such as:


This comprehensive list helps users understand their options for process signaling.

Use case 3: Interactively ask for confirmation before termination


killall -i process_name


Sometimes, multiple crucial applications may be running under the same process name, but you may only need to terminate a specific one. This interactive mode helps prevent accidental termination of important processes. It’s particularly useful in environments where mistaken identity of processes could lead to system instability or data loss.


  • killall: Command for sending signals to processes based on their names.
  • -i: This option stands for interactive mode, which means that the system asks for confirmation before attempting to terminate each identified instance of the process_name.
  • process_name: Specifies the exact name of the targeted process.

Example output:

You’ll see an interactive prompt for confirmation for each process instance:

Kill process_name(1234) ? (y/n)

Responding ‘y’ would terminate that instance, while ’n’ would leave it running. This ensures precision in managing processes.

Use case 4: Terminate a process using the SIGINT (interrupt) signal


killall -INT process_name


While working on a terminal or running scripts, signals sent through keyboard inputs like Ctrl + C may need to be issued programmatically to scripts or applications. This use case demonstrates sending the interrupt signal (SIGINT) to processes — similar to manually interrupting a process in a terminal — thereby allowing for controlled stops when automation or scripts require direct signal intervention.


  • killall: Utilized to manage processes using signals.
  • -INT: This argument denotes the SIGINT signal, which interrupts and potentially terminates the process.
  • process_name: The exact name of the process to be interrupted.

Example output:

As with SIGTERM, the output might be minimal, confirming the processes received and reacted to the signal without issue:

<no output>

or any errors if the process was either not found or could not be interrupted,

process_name: no process found

Use case 5: Force kill a process


killall -KILL process_name


Occasionally, processes become unresponsive or enter a state where normal termination signals are ineffective. When troubleshooting or maintaining optimal system performance, it’s crucial to be able to forcibly terminate these processes to reclaim resources. This use case is about using the SIGKILL signal, which commands the system to stop the processes immediately, bypassing the process’s own cleanup procedures.


  • killall: Command used for process management through signals.
  • -KILL: This option uses the SIGKILL signal to forcefully terminate processes. It is one of the few signals that cannot be intercepted, ignored, or blocked by processes, ensuring termination.
  • process_name: Specifies the exact name of the process to be forcefully terminated.

Example output:

Again, if successful, there might not be a visible output. However, error messages might appear if permissions are an issue or no such process is running:

process_name: no process found

or for permission issues,

killall: sending signal to process_name(1234) failed: Operation not permitted


The killall command presents powerful capabilities for managing processes using a wide array of signals. These examples encapsulate both common and advanced usages, ensuring users understand when and how to apply the appropriate signal, whether seeking a clean exit via SIGTERM or a forceful termination with SIGKILL. Understanding the subtleties and impacts of each signal allows users to maintain system stability and efficiency tailored to their specific needs.

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