How to use the command kitex (with examples)

How to use the command kitex (with examples)

The command kitex is a code generation tool provided by the Go RPC framework Kitex. It accepts both Thrift and Protobuf IDLs and supports generating a skeleton of a server-side project. This article will provide examples of how to use the kitex command for different use cases.

Use case 1: Generate client codes when a project is in $GOPATH


kitex path/to/IDL_file.thrift

Motivation: The motivation behind using this example is to generate client codes for a project that is located in the $GOPATH environment variable.


  • kitex: The command to invoke the Kitex code generation tool.
  • path/to/IDL_file.thrift: The path to the Thrift IDL file from which the client codes will be generated.

Example output:

Generated client codes for project in $GOPATH.

Use case 2: Generate client codes when a project is not in $GOPATH


kitex -module path/to/IDL_file.thrift

Motivation: The motivation behind using this example is to generate client codes for a project that is not located in the $GOPATH environment variable. Instead, the project has a specific module path.


  • kitex: The command to invoke the Kitex code generation tool.
  • -module Specifies the module path of the project.
  • path/to/IDL_file.thrift: The path to the Thrift IDL file from which the client codes will be generated.

Example output:

Generated client codes for project with module path

Use case 3: Generate client codes with Protobuf IDL


kitex -type protobuf path/to/IDL_file.proto

Motivation: The motivation behind using this example is to generate client codes for a project that uses Protobuf as its IDL instead of Thrift.


  • kitex: The command to invoke the Kitex code generation tool.
  • -type protobuf: Specifies that the IDL type is Protobuf.
  • path/to/IDL_file.proto: The path to the Protobuf IDL file from which the client codes will be generated.

Example output:

Generated client codes for project with Protobuf IDL.

Use case 4: Generate server codes


kitex -service svc_name path/to/IDL_file.thrift

Motivation: The motivation behind using this example is to generate server codes for a project based on the specified Thrift IDL.


  • kitex: The command to invoke the Kitex code generation tool.
  • -service svc_name: Specifies the name of the service for which the server codes will be generated.
  • path/to/IDL_file.thrift: The path to the Thrift IDL file from which the server codes will be generated.

Example output:

Generated server codes for service svc_name.


The kitex command is a powerful code generation tool provided by the Go RPC framework Kitex. It supports generating client and server codes for projects with both Thrift and Protobuf IDLs. By following the examples provided in this article, developers can easily generate the necessary codes for their projects.

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