How to Use the Command 'kitex' (with examples)

How to Use the Command 'kitex' (with examples)

Kitex is a code generation tool offered by the Go RPC framework Kitex, which facilitates remote procedure calls (RPCs) in Go applications. Kitex stands out in its ability to accommodate both Thrift and Protocol Buffers (protobuf) interface definition languages (IDLs), allowing the creation of robust client and server-side structures. This tool significantly streamlines the development process by automatically generating the necessary boilerplate code, leaving developers to focus on implementing business logic. This article illustrates how Kitex can be leveraged to generate both client and server codes, providing detailed examples and explanations.

Use case 1: Generate Client Codes When a Project Is in $GOPATH


kitex path/to/IDL_file.thrift


This use case is fundamental for developers who work within the traditional Go environment where projects are stored under the $GOPATH. By using Kitex in such a setting, developers can quickly generate client-side code from a Thrift IDL, facilitating seamless communication with server components. This is particularly helpful for projects that follow older Go project structures.


  • kitex: The command-line tool from the Kitex framework, used here for generating the required code.
  • path/to/IDL_file.thrift: Represents the file path to the Thrift IDL file. This file defines the data types and service interfaces that the RPC will implement.

Example Output:

After running the command, Kitex generates client-side code, populating the specified project directory with the client stubs derived from the Thrift IDL. This includes Go files encapsulating the necessary functions to make RPC calls to the server.

Use case 2: Generate Client Codes When a Project Is Not in $GOPATH


kitex -module path/to/IDL_file.thrift


As Go has evolved, module-based project structures have become more common. This use case addresses developers working on module-based projects by allowing them to specify their project’s module path, thus generating code even outside the confines of $GOPATH. This flexibility is essential for modern Go applications utilizing modules.


  • kitex: The Kitex command-line tool is invoked for code generation.
  • -module This flag specifies the module path. It aligns the generated code with the Go module system, making it suitable for projects that use the go.mod file.
  • path/to/IDL_file.thrift: The file path to the Thrift IDL, defining RPC data types and services.

Example Output:

Executing this command results in client-side Go code generated in the module directory structure, fully integrated with the Go module system, ready to be used as dependencies without the $GOPATH constraint.

Use case 3: Generate Client Codes with Protobuf IDL


kitex -type protobuf path/to/IDL_file.proto


In projects leveraging Protocol Buffers (protobuf) for defining service interfaces, this use case illustrates how Kitex can generate the corresponding client code. Protobuf is favored for its efficient serialization, compact data format, and language agnostic nature, making it ideal for cross-language communication tasks.


  • kitex: The Kitex command-line tool performs the code generation.
  • -type protobuf: Specifies the use of Protocol Buffers as the IDL format.
  • path/to/IDL_file.proto: The file path to the protobuf IDL file where service definitions and message types are declared.

Example Output:

The command produces client code files in Go, reflecting the service and message types defined in the .proto file. These files are crucial for interacting with the server using protobuf-encoded data.

Use case 4: Generate Server Codes


kitex -service svc_name path/to/IDL_file.thrift


Generating server-side code is vital for bootstrapping the backend of a service-oriented application. This use case is particularly pivotal for developers initiating server development, providing a structured starting point by generating skeleton server code that adheres to predefined service contracts in Thrift.


  • kitex: The invocation of the Kitex command-line tool for server code generation.
  • -service svc_name: This argument names the service, embedding it within generated code and directory names, ensuring clarity in multi-service environments.
  • path/to/IDL_file.thrift: Designates the Thrift IDL file containing the service interface and data type definitions for server implementation.

Example Output:

Upon execution, Kitex generates a directory structure with server-side code templates, including handler functions for each service endpoint defined in the .thrift file. This output provides a complete scaffold for the server, minimizing time spent on setup and allowing developers to focus on implementing service logic.


In the diverse landscape of Go development, Kitex emerges as a dynamic tool for generating essential client and server code from Thrift and Protobuf IDLs. Each use case presented here underscores Kitex’s versatility, simplifying complex RPC setup tasks, supporting both legacy and modern Go project structures, and enabling developers to concentrate on the logic that powers their applications.

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