How to use the command 'kosmorro' (with examples)

How to use the command 'kosmorro' (with examples)

Kosmorro is a command-line tool designed to compute celestial ephemerides and astronomical events for specific dates and geographic locations on Earth. It provides a means to access detailed, location-based celestial information, perfect for astronomers, astrologers, and anyone interested in the night sky and related data. By supplying the command with parameters such as latitude, longitude, timezone, and date, users can obtain precise astronomical data about past or future events.

Use case 1: Get ephemerides for Paris, France


kosmorro --latitude=48.7996 --longitude=2.3511


Suppose you are an amateur astronomer residing in Paris who wants to plan a stargazing session. You want to know the positions of celestial bodies to optimize your experience. Kosmorro allows you to retrieve detailed ephemeris information accurately tied to your geographical location.


  • --latitude=48.7996: Specifies the latitude for Paris, essential for accurate calculations since celestial event timings depend on an observer’s position on Earth.
  • --longitude=2.3511: Specifies the longitude for Paris, similarly necessary for precise ephemerides.

Example Output:

  • Positions of the Sun, Moon, and visible planets at given times.
  • Times of sunrise, sunset, moonrise, and moonset.
  • Planetary visibility data and other relevant astronomical phenomena for the location.

Use case 2: Get ephemerides for Paris, France, in the UTC+2 timezone


kosmorro --latitude=48.7996 --longitude=2.3511 --timezone=2


Imagine you live in Paris and need ephemerides data adjusted to your current local time zone, which is UTC+2 during daylight saving hours. With Kosmorro, you can easily specify the time zone adjustment to receive the correct timings for all celestial events.


  • --latitude: Latitude for Paris, ensuring regional accuracy.
  • --longitude: Longitude for Paris, vital for precise outcomes.
  • --timezone=2: Adjusts the computed times from UTC to UTC+2. This is crucial for users who need local time rather than the standard UTC, accommodating daylight saving variations.

Example Output:

  • Same types of astronomical information as above but with timing adjusted to UTC+2.
  • Convenient local time interpretations for astronomical events, easing planning for real-world observations.

Use case 3: Get ephemerides for Paris, France, on June 9th, 2020


kosmorro --latitude=48.7996 --longitude=2.3511 --date=2020-06-09


You may wish to examine the astronomical data for a past date, such as June 9th, 2020, either for research, curiosity, or to reassess prior observations. Kosmorro allows for this retrospective analysis, providing insights into historical celestial positions and events.


  • --latitude: Latitude for Paris.
  • --longitude: Longitude for Paris.
  • --date=2020-06-09: Specifies the date for which you want to compute the ephemerides. This command parameter allows users to investigate celestial data specific to any given day.

Example Output:

  • Historical celestial positions and event timings for June 9th, 2020, in Paris.
  • A retrospective view of the celestial alignment and heavenly occurrences of that day.

Use case 4: Generate a PDF


kosmorro --format=pdf --output=path/to/file.pdf


You may need a tangible document of the ephemeris data for academic purposes, personal archiving, or to share. A PDF format provides a convenient and universally readable way to present this information. The command output can be used for presentation in a professional setting or personal documentation.


  • --format=pdf: Instructs Kosmorro to format the output as a PDF. This is ideal when a printed or shareable document is desired.
  • --output=path/to/file.pdf: Defines the file path where the generated PDF will be saved. This allows for easy storage and access to the formatted data.

Example Output:

  • A neatly formatted PDF document containing all calculated ephemerides and astronomical event data. The document includes comprehensive details that are presentable and easy to reference.


The Kosmorro command-line tool is a versatile and powerful resource for obtaining detailed astronomical data for any specified location and date. With the ability to customize based on latitude, longitude, timezone, and specific dates, and capabilities such as PDF generation, Kosmorro opens the door to rich, personalized celestial insights useful for both casual enthusiasts and professional astronomers alike.

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