How to use the command "kosmorro" (with examples)

How to use the command "kosmorro" (with examples)

“kosmorro” is a command-line tool that allows users to compute the ephemerides and events for a given date at a specified position on Earth. It provides information about celestial events such as sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset, etc. This tool can be helpful for astronomers, photographers, or anyone who is interested in knowing the position and timing of celestial events.

Use case 1: Get ephemerides for Paris, France


kosmorro --latitude=48.7996 --longitude=2.3511

Motivation: If you are in Paris, France, and you want to know the timing of sunrise, sunset, moonrise, and moonset for the current day, you can use this command to get the ephemerides for Paris.

Explanation: The command “kosmorro” is followed by the latitude and longitude coordinates of the desired location. In this case, the latitude of Paris, France, is 48.7996, and the longitude is 2.3511. These coordinates are used to calculate the ephemerides for the specified location.

Example output:

Date: 2022-03-15
Location: Paris, France (48.7996 N, 2.3511 E)
Timezone: UTC+1

Sunrise: 06:30
Sunset: 18:45
Moonrise: 13:15
Moonset: 03:45

Use case 2: Get ephemerides for Paris, France, in the UTC+2 timezone


kosmorro --latitude=48.7996 --longitude=2.3511 --timezone=2

Motivation: If you are in Paris, France, and you want to know the ephemerides for a specific date, taking into account the daylight saving time (UTC+2 timezone), you can use this command.

Explanation: The “–timezone” parameter is used to specify the desired timezone offset. In this case, the value is set to 2, representing the UTC+2 timezone in which Paris, France, operates during daylight saving time.

Example output:

Date: 2022-06-20
Location: Paris, France (48.7996 N, 2.3511 E)
Timezone: UTC+2

Sunrise: 05:45
Sunset: 21:30
Moonrise: 12:20
Moonset: 02:55

Use case 3: Get ephemerides for Paris, France, on June 9th, 2020


kosmorro --latitude=48.7996 --longitude=2.3511 --date=2020-06-09

Motivation: If you want to know the ephemerides for a specific date, you can use this command by specifying the desired date. In this case, we are interested in the ephemerides for Paris, France, on June 9th, 2020.

Explanation: The “–date” parameter is used to specify the desired date in the format “YYYY-MM-DD”. In this case, the date is set to June 9th, 2020.

Example output:

Date: 2020-06-09
Location: Paris, France (48.7996 N, 2.3511 E)
Timezone: UTC+1

Sunrise: 05:45
Sunset: 21:30
Moonrise: 12:20
Moonset: 02:55

Use case 4: Generate a PDF


kosmorro --format=pdf --output=path/to/file.pdf

Motivation: If you want to generate a PDF report containing the ephemerides for a specific location, you can use this command.

Explanation: The “–format” parameter is used to specify the desired output format. In this case, the format is set to “pdf” to generate a PDF file. The “–output” parameter is used to provide the path where the generated PDF file should be saved.

Example output: A PDF file is generated and saved at the specified path containing the ephemerides for the location and date specified.


The “kosmorro” command-line tool provides a convenient way to compute the ephemerides and events for a given date at a specific position on Earth. The various parameters such as latitude, longitude, timezone, and date offer flexibility to tailor the information according to the user’s needs. Additionally, the option to generate a PDF report allows users to save and share the computed ephemerides.

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