How to use the command 'kotlin' (with examples)

How to use the command 'kotlin' (with examples)

The ‘kotlin’ command is the Kotlin application launcher. It allows you to run Kotlin code, execute jar files, and display the Kotlin and JVM version.

Use case 1: Run a jar file


kotlin filename.jar


This use case is useful when you have a jar file that contains Kotlin code and you want to execute it. By using the ‘kotlin’ command followed by the name of the jar file, you can run the Kotlin code and see the output.


  • ‘kotlin’: This is the command to launch the Kotlin application.
  • ‘filename.jar’: This is the name of the jar file you want to run.

Example output:

Running the command kotlin myapp.jar executes the Kotlin code inside the ‘myapp.jar’ file and displays the output.

Use case 2: Display Kotlin and JVM version


kotlin -version


By using the ‘kotlin -version’ command, you can quickly check the version of Kotlin and the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) installed on your system. This information can be useful when troubleshooting or ensuring compatibility with specific Kotlin and JVM versions.


  • ‘kotlin’: This is the command to launch the Kotlin application.
  • ‘-version’: This is an argument that tells the ‘kotlin’ command to display the Kotlin and JVM version.

Example output:

Executing the command kotlin -version displays the Kotlin and JVM version installed on your system, such as “Kotlin version 1.5.30 (JRE 11.0.11+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu2.18.04)”.


The ‘kotlin’ command is a versatile tool for running Kotlin code and executing jar files. It also provides a convenient way to check the Kotlin and JVM version. By understanding these different use cases and their corresponding commands, you can use the ‘kotlin’ command effectively and efficiently.

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