How to use the command kpackagetool5 (with examples)

How to use the command kpackagetool5 (with examples)

KPackage Manager is a command-line tool used to install, list, and remove Plasma packages in the KDE Plasma 5 desktop environment. It provides a convenient way to manage different types of packages, such as plasmoids (applets), themes, wallpapers, and more.

Use case 1: List all known package types that can be installed


kpackagetool5 --list-types

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to know the available package types that can be installed using KPackage Manager. It provides an overview of the types of packages you can work with.

Explanation: The --list-types option is used to list all the known package types that can be installed using KPackage Manager.

Example output:

Available Package Types:

Use case 2: Install the package from a directory


kpackagetool5 --type package_type --install path/to/directory

Motivation: This use case is useful when you have a package directory that you want to install. It allows you to easily install a package without having to manually copy files to the appropriate locations.

Explanation: The --type option specifies the package type you want to install. Replace package_type with the desired package type, such as Plasma/Applet. The --install option is used to specify the path to the directory containing the package files.

Example output:

Successfully installed package from path/to/directory

Use case 3: Update installed package from a directory


kpackagetool5 --type package_type --upgrade path/to/directory

Motivation: This use case is handy when you have made changes to an existing package and want to update it. It allows you to easily upgrade the installed package using the updated package files from a directory.

Explanation: The --upgrade option is used to update an installed package with the package files found in the specified directory. Replace package_type with the package type of the package you want to upgrade.

Example output:

Successfully upgraded installed package from path/to/directory

Use case 4: List installed plasmoids (–global for all users)


kpackagetool5 --type Plasma/Applet --list --global

Motivation: This use case is useful for listing all installed plasmoids (applets) in the KDE Plasma 5 environment. It provides an overview of the installed plasmoids, either for the current user or for all users if the --global option is used.

Explanation: The --list option is used to list installed packages. By specifying --type Plasma/Applet, we limit the list to only plasmoids. Adding the --global option includes plasmoids installed for all users.

Example output:

Installed Plasmoids (user):

Installed Plasmoids (global):

Use case 5: Remove a plasmoid by name


kpackagetool5 --type Plasma/Applet --remove "name"

Motivation: This use case allows you to easily remove a specific plasmoid by its name. It is convenient when you want to uninstall a plasmoid that is causing issues or is no longer needed.

Explanation: The --remove option is used to remove a package by its name. Replace "name" with the name of the plasmoid you want to remove. The --type Plasma/Applet specifies that the package to be removed is a plasmoid.

Example output:

Successfully removed plasmoid "name"


KPackage Manager (kpackagetool5) is a versatile command-line tool for managing Plasma packages in the KDE Plasma 5 desktop environment. It allows you to install, list, upgrade, and remove different types of packages, such as plasmoids, desktop themes, and more. With the provided examples, you can easily leverage the power of KPackage Manager to manage your Plasma packages effortlessly.

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