How to use the command 'ksh' (with examples)

How to use the command 'ksh' (with examples)

Korn Shell (ksh) is a command-line interpreter that is compatible with Bash. It is commonly used as a scripting language and provides numerous features and functionalities. This article provides a walkthrough of various use cases of the ksh command, along with examples and explanations.

Use case 1: Start an interactive shell session



Motivation: This use case starts an interactive shell session in the Korn Shell. It allows users to execute multiple commands sequentially and interactively, providing a command prompt for user input.

Explanation: The ksh command without any arguments will launch an interactive shell session. Once executed, the user will be presented with a command prompt where they can type and execute commands.

Example output:

$ ksh
$ echo "Hello, world!"
Hello, world!

In the example output, the user starts a Korn Shell session and executes the command echo "Hello, world!". The output of this command is displayed before returning to the command prompt.

Use case 2: Execute specific [c]ommands


ksh -c "echo 'ksh is executed'"

Motivation: This use case allows users to execute a specific command without launching an interactive shell session. It is useful when there is a need to run a single command or a short script.

Explanation: The -c option followed by a string represents the command to be executed. In this case, the command is echo 'ksh is executed'. The -c option tells the ksh command to execute the specified command and then exit.

Example output:

$ ksh -c "echo 'ksh is executed'"
ksh is executed

In the example output, the specified command echo 'ksh is executed' is executed by the ksh command, and the output “ksh is executed” is printed to the console.

Use case 3: Execute a specific script


ksh path/to/script.ksh

Motivation: This use case is used to execute a specific script written in the Korn Shell. It allows users to run custom scripts that automate tasks or perform complex operations.

Explanation: The path to the script file is provided as an argument to the ksh command. The ksh command will interpret and execute the commands and logic present in the specified script file.

Example output: (Assuming the script contains a command to print “Hello, world!”)

$ ksh path/to/script.ksh
Hello, world!

In the example output, the ksh command executes the script specified by path/to/script.ksh, resulting in the output “Hello, world!” printed to the console.

Use case 4: Check a specific script for syntax errors without executing it


ksh -n path/to/script.ksh

Motivation: This use case allows users to check a script for syntax errors without actually executing it. It helps identify potential issues in the script code before running it.

Explanation: The -n option followed by the path to the script file enables the syntax check mode in the ksh command. The script is parsed and checked for any syntax errors, without executing the commands within the script.

Example output: (Assuming there are no syntax errors in the script)

$ ksh -n path/to/script.ksh

In the example output, no output is displayed if the script does not contain any syntax errors. This indicates that the specified script file is free from syntax errors.

Use case 5: Execute a specific script, printing each command in the script before executing it


ksh -x path/to/script.ksh

Motivation: This use case allows users to trace the execution of a script by printing each command before executing it. It helps in understanding the flow and logic of the script during runtime.

Explanation: The -x option followed by the path to the script file enables the execution tracing mode in the ksh command. Each command in the specified script is printed before it is executed, providing visibility into the script’s execution flow.

Example output: (Assuming the script contains multiple commands)

$ ksh -x path/to/script.ksh
+ echo "Executing command 1"
Executing command 1
+ echo "Executing command 2"
Executing command 2

In the example output, the ksh command executes the specified script path/to/script.ksh and prints each command before executing it. Each command is preceded by a + sign, indicating the execution order.


The ksh command is a versatile shell interpreter that allows users to execute commands, run scripts, check for syntax errors, and trace script execution. Understanding and utilizing these different use cases of the ksh command can greatly enhance productivity and efficiency in shell scripting tasks.

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