How to use the command 'kubectl expose' (with examples)

How to use the command 'kubectl expose' (with examples)

This article will illustrate various use cases of the ‘kubectl expose’ command and provide code examples, motivations, explanations, and example outputs for each use case.

Command Description

The ‘kubectl expose’ command is used to expose a resource as a new Kubernetes service. It allows you to create a service that can be accessed from outside the cluster. This command is particularly useful when you want to expose an application running in a container to be accessed by other services or users.

Use case 1: Create a service for a resource, which will be served from container port to node port


kubectl expose resource_type resource_name --port=node_port --target-port=container_port


One common use case is to expose a resource, such as a Deployment or a Pod, as a service within the cluster. This allows other Pods or services within the cluster to access the exposed resource via the service.


  • resource_type: The type of the resource to expose, such as ‘deployment’ or ‘pod’.
  • resource_name: The name of the resource to expose.
  • --port=node_port: The port number on the node where the service should be exposed.
  • --target-port=container_port: The port number on the container where the resource is listening for incoming traffic.

Example output:

service/nginx-service exposed

Use case 2: Create a service for a resource identified by a file


kubectl expose -f path/to/file.yml --port=node_port --target-port=container_port


Sometimes, instead of specifying the resource type and name directly, you may have the resource configuration stored in a file. Using the -f flag with the file path allows you to easily create a service for that resource.


  • -f path/to/file.yml: The path to the file containing the resource configuration. The file should be in YAML or JSON format.
  • --port=node_port: The port number on the node where the service should be exposed.
  • --target-port=container_port: The port number on the container where the resource is listening for incoming traffic.

Example output:

service/frontend-service exposed

Use case 3: Create a service with a name, to serve to a node port which will be same for container port


kubectl expose resource_type resource_name --port=node_port --name=service_name


In some cases, you might want to define a custom name for the service that will be exposed. This can be useful for better organization or identification of services within a cluster.


  • resource_type: The type of the resource to expose, such as ‘deployment’ or ‘pod’.
  • resource_name: The name of the resource to expose.
  • --port=node_port: The port number on the node where the service should be exposed.
  • --name=service_name: The custom name to assign to the service.

Example output:

service/payment-service exposed


The ‘kubectl expose’ command is a powerful tool for creating Kubernetes services to expose resources within the cluster. It provides different options for specifying the resource, selecting the port numbers, and defining custom service names. Understanding these use cases and their corresponding examples will enable you to expose your resources effectively and efficiently.

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