How to use the command kubectl scale (with examples)

How to use the command kubectl scale (with examples)

The kubectl scale command is used to set a new size for a deployment, replica set, replication controller, or stateful set in Kubernetes. It allows you to scale up or down the number of replicas for a specific resource.

Use case 1: Scale a replica set


kubectl scale --replicas=<number_of_replicas> rs/<replica_name>

Motivation: You might want to scale a replica set to adjust the number of replicas based on current demands. Scaling up can help handle increased traffic, while scaling down can save resources during low traffic periods.


  • --replicas=<number_of_replicas>: Specifies the desired number of replicas for the replica set.
  • rs/<replica_name>: Identifies the replica set to be scaled.

Example output:

replicaset.apps/<replica_name> scaled

Use case 2: Scale a resource identified by a file


kubectl scale --replicas=<number_of_replicas> -f <path/to/file.yml>

Motivation: Scaling a resource identified by a file is beneficial when you have the desired configuration defined in a YAML file and want to scale it up or down.


  • --replicas=<number_of_replicas>: Specifies the desired number of replicas for the resource.
  • -f <path/to/file.yml>: Specifies the path to the YAML file that describes the resource to be scaled.

Example output:

deployment.apps/<deployment_name> scaled

Use case 3: Scale a deployment based on current number of replicas


kubectl scale --current-replicas=<current_replicas> --replicas=<number_of_replicas> deployment/<deployment_name>

Motivation: Scaling a deployment based on the current number of replicas is useful when you want to adjust the number of replicas relative to the current state, rather than specifying an absolute number.


  • --current-replicas=<current_replicas>: Specifies the current number of replicas for the deployment.
  • --replicas=<number_of_replicas>: Specifies the desired number of replicas for the deployment.
  • deployment/<deployment_name>: Identifies the deployment to be scaled.

Example output:

deployment.apps/<deployment_name> scaled


The kubectl scale command is a powerful tool in Kubernetes for scaling deployments, replica sets, replication controllers, and stateful sets. By adjusting the number of replicas, you can easily manage the resources of your Kubernetes clusters to match the demand of your applications. Experiment with different scaling options based on your workload requirements to find the optimal configuration for your environment.

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