Managing Kubernetes Contexts with `kubectx` (with examples)

Managing Kubernetes Contexts with `kubectx` (with examples)


When working with multiple Kubernetes clusters or contexts, it’s important to have an easy way to switch between them. The kubectx command is a useful utility that allows you to manage and switch between kubectl contexts effortlessly. In this article, we will explore eight different use cases of the kubectx command, along with code examples for each one.

Use Case 1: List the Contexts


Motivation: When you are working with multiple Kubernetes clusters, it can be challenging to keep track of all the available contexts. The kubectx command allows you to list all the available contexts for easy reference.

Explanation: This command lists all the available contexts in your Kubernetes configuration file.

Example Output:


Use Case 2: Switch to a Named Context

kubectx name

Motivation: Switching between different Kubernetes contexts is a common task when working with multiple clusters. The kubectx command makes it easy to switch to a specific context without needing to remember the full context name or manually modifying the configuration.

Explanation: This command switches the current kubectl context to the specified named context.

Example Output:

Switched to context "another-cluster-context"

Use Case 3: Switch to the Previous Context

kubectx -

Motivation: Sometimes, it’s helpful to switch back to the previous context after working in a different context temporarily. The - argument allows you to quickly switch back to the previous context without explicitly mentioning its name.

Explanation: This command switches the current kubectl context to the previous context.

Example Output:

Switched to context "my-cluster-context"

Use Case 4: Delete a Named Context

kubectx -d name

Motivation: Over time, you might want to remove unnecessary or unused contexts from your configuration. The kubectx command offers a simple way to delete a named context without manually editing the configuration file.

Explanation: This command deletes the specified named context from the Kubernetes configuration file.

Example Output:

Deleted "another-cluster-context" context from the configuration

Use Case 5: Set the Current Context to Default

kubectx default

Motivation: When you have multiple contexts, it’s common to switch back to the default context. The kubectx command allows you to easily set the current context to the default, saving you from having to remember or search for its full name.

Explanation: This command switches the current kubectl context to the default context.

Example Output:

Switched to context "default"

Use Case 6: Add a New Context

kubectx --create --namespace namespace name --kubeconfig path/to/kubeconfig

Motivation: Sometimes, you might need to add a new context for a different Kubernetes cluster or namespace. The kubectx command makes it convenient to add the new context with the desired namespace and configuration path.

Explanation: This command creates a new context with the specified name, namespace, and configuration path.

Example Output:

Created context "new-context" with namespace "my-namespace"

Use Case 7: Rename an Existing Context

kubectx --rename current-name new-name

Motivation: If you want to give a context a more meaningful or updated name, you can use the kubectx command to rename it easily. This can be helpful for improving context readability or reflecting the cluster’s current state.

Explanation: This command renames the existing context from the current name to the new name.

Example Output:

Renamed context "old-name" to "new-name"

Use Case 8: Specify a Custom Configuration File

kubectx --kubeconfig path/to/kubeconfig

Motivation: If your kubeconfig file is not located in the default location (~/.kube/config), you can use the kubectx command with the --kubeconfig flag to specify a custom configuration file.

Explanation: This command sets the kubeconfig file to the specified path, allowing you to use a custom configuration file.

Example Output:

Using custom kubeconfig file at "path/to/kubeconfig"


The kubectx command is a versatile utility that simplifies the management and switching of kubectl contexts. By leveraging the various use cases demonstrated in this article, you can easily handle multiple Kubernetes clusters or contexts with ease and efficiency.

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