How to use the command 'kwrite' (with examples)

How to use the command 'kwrite' (with examples)

Kwrite is a text editor that is part of the KDE Desktop project. It provides a user-friendly interface and various features for editing text files. This article will demonstrate different use cases of the ‘kwrite’ command along with examples.

Use case 1: Open a text file


kwrite path/to/file

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to quickly open a text file for editing. Instead of manually navigating to the file in the file manager and opening it with Kwrite, you can use this command to directly open the file from the terminal.


  • kwrite: This is the command to open Kwrite.
  • path/to/file: This is the path to the text file you want to open. You need to provide the actual file path in place of ‘path/to/file’.

Example output: The specified text file will be opened in the Kwrite text editor, ready for editing.

Use case 2: Open multiple text files


kwrite file1 file2 ...

Motivation: Opening multiple text files at once can save time and effort. Instead of opening each file individually, you can provide a list of file names to the ‘kwrite’ command and open them all simultaneously.


  • kwrite: This is the command to open Kwrite.
  • file1 file2 ...: These are the names of the text files you want to open. You can provide a space-separated list of file names after the ‘kwrite’ command.

Example output: All the specified text files will be opened in separate tabs within the Kwrite text editor.

Use case 3: Open a text file with a specific encoding


kwrite --encoding=UTF-8 path/to/file

Motivation: When working with text files that have a specific encoding, it is necessary to open them with the corresponding encoding to ensure the correct display of characters. This use case allows you to specify the encoding while opening the file.


  • kwrite: This is the command to open Kwrite.
  • --encoding=UTF-8: This argument specifies the encoding of the text file. In this example, the encoding is set to UTF-8, which is a widely used character encoding.
  • path/to/file: This is the path to the text file you want to open. You need to provide the actual file path in place of ‘path/to/file’.

Example output: The specified text file will be opened in the Kwrite text editor with the specified encoding.

Use case 4: Open a text file and navigate to a specific line and column


kwrite --line line_number --column column_number path/to/file

Motivation: When dealing with large text files, it can be time-consuming to manually scroll to a specific line or column. This use case allows you to open a text file and automatically jump to the desired line and column.


  • kwrite: This is the command to open Kwrite.
  • --line line_number: This argument specifies the line number in the text file where you want to navigate. Replace ’line_number’ with the desired line number.
  • --column column_number: This argument specifies the column number in the text file where you want to navigate. Replace ‘column_number’ with the desired column number.
  • path/to/file: This is the path to the text file you want to open. You need to provide the actual file path in place of ‘path/to/file’.

Example output: The specified text file will be opened in the Kwrite text editor, and the cursor position will be set to the specified line and column.


The ‘kwrite’ command provides a convenient way to open and edit text files using the Kwrite text editor. Whether you need to open a single file, multiple files, specify an encoding, or navigate to a specific line and column, the ‘kwrite’ command has you covered. By leveraging these use cases, you can streamline your text editing workflow and be more productive.

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