How to use the command 'kwriteconfig5' (with examples)

How to use the command 'kwriteconfig5' (with examples)

The kwriteconfig5 command is a tool that allows users to write KConfig entries for KDE Plasma. It is a powerful command-line utility that can be used to set global configuration keys, set keys in specific configuration files, delete keys, and more.

Use case 1: Display help


kwriteconfig5 --help

Motivation: When users are first starting out with the kwriteconfig5 command, they may need assistance in understanding its usage and available options. Displaying the help documentation can provide users with a quick overview of the command and its capabilities.

Explanation: Here, the --help option is used to display the help documentation for the kwriteconfig5 command. It provides users with information on the available command-line options and usage examples.

Example output:

Usage: kwriteconfig5 [--file <file>] [--group <group>] [--key <key> <value>] [--delete <key>] [--global] [--nosave] [--help]

Use case 2: Set a global configuration key


kwriteconfig5 --group group_name --key key value

Motivation: Users may want to set a global configuration key to customize the behavior of KDE Plasma. For example, a user may want to change the default font size or enable a specific theme. The kwriteconfig5 command allows users to easily modify these settings.

Explanation: In this example, the --group argument specifies the name of the group in which the key is located, the --key argument specifies the name of the key to be set, and the value argument specifies the new value for the key. The command will write the specified value to the specified key in the specified group.

Example output:

No output will be displayed if the command is successful.

Use case 3: Set a key in a specific configuration file


kwriteconfig5 --file path/to/file --group group_name --key key value

Motivation: Users may need to modify a specific configuration file to customize the behavior of a particular application or component. The kwriteconfig5 command allows users to specify the file path and write configuration changes to it.

Explanation: The --file argument specifies the path to the configuration file in which the key is located. The --group argument specifies the name of the group in which the key is located, the --key argument specifies the name of the key to be set, and the value argument specifies the new value for the key. The command will write the specified value to the specified key in the specified group in the specified file.

Example output:

No output will be displayed if the command is successful.

Use case 4: Delete a key


kwriteconfig5 --group group_name --key key --delete

Motivation: Users may want to remove a specific key from a configuration file to reset a particular setting or restore it to its default value. The kwriteconfig5 command allows users to easily delete keys from configuration files.

Explanation: In this example, the --group argument specifies the name of the group in which the key is located, the --key argument specifies the name of the key to be deleted, and the --delete option is used to indicate that the key should be deleted. The command will remove the specified key from the specified group.

Example output:

No output will be displayed if the command is successful.

Use case 5: Use systemd to start the Plasma session when available


kwriteconfig5 --file startkderc --group General --key systemdBoot true

Motivation: Enabling systemd to start the Plasma session can enhance the overall performance and startup time of KDE Plasma. The kwriteconfig5 command allows users to configure this option easily.

Explanation: In this example, the --file argument specifies the path to the startkderc file, the --group argument specifies the name of the group in which the key is located, the --key argument specifies the name of the key to be set, and the true value indicates that systemd should be used to start the Plasma session.

Example output:

No output will be displayed if the command is successful.

Use case 6: Hide the title bar when a window is maximized


kwriteconfig5 --file ~/.config/kwinrc --group Windows --key BorderlessMaximizedWindows true

Motivation: Hiding the title bar when a window is maximized can provide a cleaner and distraction-free workspace. The kwriteconfig5 command allows users to enable this behavior easily.

Explanation: In this example, the --file argument specifies the path to the kwinrc file in the user’s home directory (~/.config/kwinrc), the --group argument specifies the name of the group in which the key is located, the --key argument specifies the name of the key to be set, and the true value indicates that the title bar should be hidden when a window is maximized.

Example output:

No output will be displayed if the command is successful.

Use case 7: Configure KRunner to open with the Meta global hotkey


kwriteconfig5 --file ~/.config/kwinrc --group ModifierOnlyShortcuts --key Meta "org.kde.kglobalaccel,/component/krunner_desktop,org.kde.kglobalaccel.Component,invokeShortcut,_launch"

Motivation: Configuring KRunner to open with a specific global hotkey can improve productivity and provide quick access to applications and system functions. The kwriteconfig5 command allows users to define this shortcut easily.

Explanation: In this example, the --file argument specifies the path to the kwinrc file in the user’s home directory (~/.config/kwinrc), the --group argument specifies the name of the group in which the key is located, the --key argument specifies the name of the key to be set, and the value specifies the desired global hotkey. In this case, the Meta (Command/Windows) key is configured to open KRunner using a specific keyboard shortcut.

Example output:

No output will be displayed if the command is successful.


The kwriteconfig5 command is a versatile tool for writing KConfig entries for KDE Plasma. It allows users to customize the behavior of KDE Plasma by setting and modifying configuration keys in global and specific configuration files. With the various options and capabilities provided by this command, users can tailor their KDE Plasma experience to suit their preferences and workflow.

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