lambo (with examples)

lambo (with examples)

1: Creating a new Laravel application

lambo new app_name

Motivation: When starting a new Laravel project, using the lambo new command provides a convenient way to quickly scaffold a new application. It eliminates the need to manually set up a new Laravel project by running the laravel new command and setting up Valet.

Explanation: The lambo new command creates a new Laravel application with the specified app_name as the project name. It automatically sets up the necessary dependencies, configurations, and Valet integration for the project.

Example output: Upon running the command lambo new myapp, a new Laravel application named “myapp” will be created in the current directory, and Valet integration will be set up.

2: Opening the configuration in the default editor

lambo edit-config

Motivation: Sometimes, you may need to make modifications to the Laravel configuration file. Opening it in your default editor allows for easy customization and fine-tuning of your application settings.

Explanation: By using the lambo edit-config command, the configuration file (config/app.php) for the currently selected Laravel application will be opened in your default text editor.

Example output: After running the command lambo edit-config, the config/app.php file will be opened in your default text editor, such as Sublime Text or Visual Studio Code.

3: Opening the configuration in a specific editor

lambo edit-config --editor="path/to/editor"

Motivation: If you prefer using a specific text editor for editing Laravel configuration files, this command allows you to specify a custom editor.

Explanation: The lambo edit-config command accepts an optional --editor flag followed by the path to your desired text editor. This allows you to use a specific editor of your choice instead of the default one.

Example output: Running the command lambo edit-config --editor="/Applications/Visual Studio" will open the configuration file (config/app.php) in Visual Studio Code.

4: Opening the configuration file for post-installation modifications

lambo edit-after

Motivation: After a new Laravel application is scaffolded, there might be certain configurations or modifications that need to be made. Opening the configuration file that is run after the installation process can help you make these post-installation changes conveniently.

Explanation: The lambo edit-after command opens the configuration file that is run after new Laravel applications have been scaffolded. This allows for easy modifications and customization of the Laravel application.

Example output: Upon running the command lambo edit-after, the specified post-installation configuration file (e.g., app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php or routes/web.php) will be opened in your default text editor.

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