Using the `laptop-detect` Command (with examples)

Using the `laptop-detect` Command (with examples)

Detecting if the Current Device is a Laptop or Desktop

To determine if the script is running on a laptop or desktop, you can use the laptop-detect command. This command will return an exit status of 0 if the current device is likely a laptop and 1 otherwise.


Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to perform specific actions or configurations based on whether the device is a laptop or desktop. For example, you may need to adjust power management settings or install specific software based on the device type.

Explanation: When you run the command laptop-detect, it will analyze the system and make a determination based on various factors such as battery presence, AC power status, thermal information, and system information obtained from /sys devices.

Example Output: If the current device is detected as a laptop, the command will return an exit status of 0. Otherwise, if it is determined to be a desktop, the command will return an exit status of 1.

Displaying the Detected Device Type

If you want more detailed information about the type of device that the current system is detected as, you can use the --verbose option with the laptop-detect command.

laptop-detect --verbose

Motivation: This use case is useful when you need to gather more information about the detected device type. The additional details provided by the --verbose option can help you make more informed decisions about configuration or other actions on the system.

Explanation: When you include the --verbose option, the laptop-detect command will display comprehensive information about the detected device type. This includes details such as battery presence, AC power status, thermal information, system information obtained from /sys devices, and vendor-specific checks.

Example Output: The output of the command will include detailed information about the detected device type. For example, it may display “Laptop” if the system is determined to be a laptop, or “Desktop” if it is detected as a desktop. The output may also provide additional information about the detected device, such as the battery status or thermal information.

Displaying the Version of laptop-detect

To determine the version of the laptop-detect script, you can use the --version option with the command.

laptop-detect --version

Motivation: Knowing the version of laptop-detect can be helpful when troubleshooting or reporting issues related to the script. By checking the version, you can ensure that you are using the latest version or determine if any updates are available.

Explanation: Including the --version option with the laptop-detect command will cause it to display the version of the script. This version number corresponds to the release version of the script and can provide useful information when diagnosing or discussing any problems or improvements.

Example Output: The output of the command will simply display the version number of the laptop-detect script, such as “1.2” or “2.0.3”.

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