How to use the command 'laydown' (with examples)

How to use the command 'laydown' (with examples)

The ’laydown’ command is a command line application designed to help users prepare for their daily standup meetings. It allows users to add items to different sections, clear all items, edit existing data, and archive and clear current data. Below are examples illustrating each of these use cases.

Use case 1: Add an item to DID section


laydown did item


  • Adding items to the DID (Do It Done) section allows users to keep track of tasks they have completed.


  • did: Specifies the section where the item will be added.
  • item: The task or item to be added to the specified section.

Example output:

✔ Item 'item' added to DID section.

Use case 2: Add an item to DOING section


laydown doing item


  • Adding items to the DOING section allows users to keep track of tasks they are currently working on.


  • doing: Specifies the section where the item will be added.
  • item: The task or item to be added to the specified section.

Example output:

✔ Item 'item' added to DOING section.

Use case 3: Clear all items


laydown clear


  • Clearing all items from the application provides a fresh start for a new day or meeting.


  • clear: Clears all items from the application.

Example output:

✔ All items cleared.

Use case 4: Use an editor to edit current data


laydown edit


  • Editing current data allows users to modify and update items in the application as needed.


  • edit: Opens the current data in an editor, allowing users to make changes.

Example output:

[Editor opens with current data]

Use case 5: Archive and clear current data


laydown archive


  • Archiving and clearing current data allows users to save and store their progress while starting with a clean slate.


  • archive: Archives and clears the current data, saving it for later reference.

Example output:

✔ Current data archived and cleared.


The ’laydown’ command is a useful tool for managing daily standup meetings. With the ability to add items to different sections, clear all items, edit current data, and archive and clear data, users can effectively track their tasks and progress. Whether you need to prepare for your daily standup or simply stay organized, the ’laydown’ command is a helpful companion.

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