How to use the command ldapsearch (with examples)

How to use the command ldapsearch (with examples)

This article will provide examples of different use cases for the command ’ldapsearch’, along with the code, motivation, explanation of arguments, and example output for each use case.


The ’ldapsearch’ command is used to query an LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) directory. It allows users to specify a search filter and retrieve the required information from the directory. LDAP servers store directory information, such as user profiles and organizational structures, making it a valuable tool for searching and retrieving information from LDAP directories.

Use case 1: Query an LDAP server for all items that are a member of the given group and return the object’s displayName value


ldapsearch -D 'admin_DN' -w 'password' -h ldap_host -b base_ou 'memberOf=group1' displayName


This use case is motivated by the need to retrieve the display names of all items that belong to a specific group in an LDAP server. By using the ‘memberOf’ attribute with the value of the desired group, we can narrow down the search results and retrieve only the desired information.


  • -D 'admin_DN': Specifies the distinguished name (DN) of the user with administrative privileges. This user is used to authenticate the search operation.
  • -w 'password': Specifies the password of the administrative user.
  • -h ldap_host: Specifies the hostname or IP address of the LDAP server.
  • -b base_ou: Specifies the base Organizational Unit (OU) from which the search will start.
  • 'memberOf=group1': Specifies the search filter to be applied. In this case, we are searching for items that are members of ‘group1’.
  • displayName: Specifies the attribute that we want to retrieve from the items that match the search filter.

Example output:

displayName: John Doe
displayName: Jane Smith
displayName: Michael Johnson

Use case 2: Query an LDAP server with a no-newline password file for all items that are a member of the given group and return the object’s displayName value


ldapsearch -D 'admin_DN' -y 'password_file' -h ldap_host -b base_ou 'memberOf=group1' displayName


In some cases, it is more secure to store the password in a file rather than providing it directly as a command-line argument. This use case demonstrates the use of a password file instead of passing the password via the command line.


  • -D 'admin_DN': Same as explained in the previous use case.
  • -y 'password_file': Specifies the location of a file containing the password for the administrative user.
  • -h ldap_host: Same as explained in the previous use case.
  • -b base_ou: Same as explained in the previous use case.
  • 'memberOf=group1': Same as explained in the previous use case.
  • displayName: Same as explained in the previous use case.

Example output:

Same as the previous use case.

Use case 3: Return 5 items that match the given filter


ldapsearch -D 'admin_DN' -w 'password' -h ldap_host -b base_ou 'memberOf=group1' -z 5 displayName


Fetching a large number of items from the LDAP server when only a few are needed can be inefficient and time-consuming. The -z option allows us to limit the number of search results returned, helping to improve the efficiency of the query.


  • -D 'admin_DN': Same as explained in the previous use case.
  • -w 'password': Same as explained in the previous use case.
  • -h ldap_host: Same as explained in the previous use case.
  • -b base_ou: Same as explained in the previous use case.
  • 'memberOf=group1': Same as explained in the previous use case.
  • -z 5: Limits the search results to a maximum of 5 items.
  • displayName: Same as explained in the previous use case.

Example output:

displayName: John Doe
displayName: Jane Smith
displayName: Michael Johnson
displayName: Alice Brown
displayName: Robert Lee

Use case 4: Wait up to 7 seconds for a response


ldapsearch -D 'admin_DN' -w 'password' -h ldap_host -b base_ou 'memberOf=group1' -l 7 displayName


In cases where the LDAP server may experience temporary unavailability or delays, it can be useful to set a timeout for the search operation. The -l option allows us to set the maximum time (in seconds) that the command will wait for a response from the server.


  • -D 'admin_DN': Same as explained in the previous use case.
  • -w 'password': Same as explained in the previous use case.
  • -h ldap_host: Same as explained in the previous use case.
  • -b base_ou: Same as explained in the previous use case.
  • 'memberOf=group1': Same as explained in the previous use case.
  • -l 7: Sets the maximum wait time to 7 seconds.
  • displayName: Same as explained in the previous use case.

Example output:

Same as the previous use case.

Use case 5: Invert the filter


ldapsearch -D 'admin_DN' -w 'password' -h ldap_host -b base_ou '(!(memberOf=group1))' displayName


Sometimes, it is necessary to exclude specific items from the search results. The ‘!’ operator can be used to invert the search filter, helping to retrieve items that do not match the specified criteria.


  • -D 'admin_DN': Same as explained in the previous use case.
  • -w 'password': Same as explained in the previous use case.
  • -h ldap_host: Same as explained in the previous use case.
  • -b base_ou: Same as explained in the previous use case.
  • '(!(memberOf=group1))': Inverts the search filter, excluding items that belong to ‘group1’.
  • displayName: Same as explained in the previous use case.

Example output:

displayName: Mark Johnson
displayName: Emily Clark

Use case 6: Return all items that are part of multiple groups, returning the display name for each item


ldapsearch -D 'admin_DN' -w 'password' -h ldap_host '(&(memberOf=group1)(memberOf=group2)(memberOf=group3))' "displayName"


This use case demonstrates how to retrieve items that belong to multiple groups. It can be useful when searching for users or objects that have specific permissions or roles assigned across different groups.


  • -D 'admin_DN': Same as explained in the previous use case.
  • -w 'password': Same as explained in the previous use case.
  • -h ldap_host: Same as explained in the previous use case.
  • '(&(memberOf=group1)(memberOf=group2)(memberOf=group3))': Specifies the search filter to retrieve items that are members of ‘group1’, ‘group2’, and ‘group3’.
  • displayName: Same as explained in the previous use case.

Example output:

displayName: John Doe
displayName: Jane Smith

Use case 7: Return all items that are members of at least 1 of the specified groups


ldapsearch -D 'admin_DN' -w 'password' -h ldap_host '(|(memberOf=group1)(memberOf=group1)(memberOf=group3))' displayName


In certain scenarios, it may be necessary to retrieve items that belong to one or more specific groups. The (|...) construct allows us to specify multiple search filters and return results that match at least one of them.


  • -D 'admin_DN': Same as explained in the previous use case.
  • -w 'password': Same as explained in the previous use case.
  • -h ldap_host: Same as explained in the previous use case.
  • '(|(memberOf=group1)(memberOf=group1)(memberOf=group3))': Searches for items that are members of ‘group1’, ‘group2’, or ‘group3’ (at least one of them).
  • displayName: Same as explained in the previous use case.

Example output:

displayName: John Doe
displayName: Alice Brown

Use case 8: Combine multiple boolean logic filters


ldapsearch -D 'admin_DN' -w 'password' -h ldap_host '(&(memberOf=group1)(memberOf=group2)(!(memberOf=group3)))' displayName


Combining multiple boolean logic filters allows us to create more complex search queries to retrieve specific items from the LDAP directory. This use case demonstrates how to combine filters using logical operators like ‘&&’ (AND) and ‘!’ (NOT).


  • -D 'admin_DN': Same as explained in the previous use case.
  • -w 'password': Same as explained in the previous use case.
  • -h ldap_host: Same as explained in the previous use case.
  • '(&(memberOf=group1)(memberOf=group2)(!(memberOf=group3)))': Specifies the complex search filter with multiple criteria. Retrieves items that are members of ‘group1’ and ‘group2’, but not ‘group3’.
  • displayName: Same as explained in the previous use case.

Example output:

displayName: John Doe


The ’ldapsearch’ command is a powerful tool for querying LDAP directories and retrieving specific information based on search filters. The examples provided in this article demonstrate various scenarios where ’ldapsearch’ can be used, including searching by group membership, combining logical filters, limiting search results, and specifying timeout values. By understanding the different use cases and their corresponding command configurations, users can effectively leverage the ’ldapsearch’ command to retrieve the desired information from LDAP directories.

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