How to use the command 'lex' (with examples)

How to use the command 'lex' (with examples)

Lex is a lexical analyzer generator that takes a specification for a lexical analyzer and generates C code that implements it. This command is commonly used in software development to generate lexical analyzers for programming languages or other text processing tasks. It allows developers to define patterns and rules that describe the structure of tokens in a given input, such as identifiers, keywords, numbers, and symbols.

Use case 1: Generate an analyzer from a Lex file


lex analyzer.l

Motivation: This use case is used to generate an analyzer from a Lex file. The Lex file contains the rules and patterns that define the tokens in the input. By running the ’lex’ command followed by the name of the Lex file (in this case ‘analyzer.l’), the command will generate a C file that implements the lexical analyzer based on the specified rules.

Explanation: In this use case, the ’lex’ command is followed by the name of the Lex file (‘analyzer.l’). This tells the command which file to use as input for generating the lexical analyzer. The generated code will be saved in the default output file, ’lex.yy.c’.

Example output: The ’lex’ command will generate a C file named ’lex.yy.c’, which contains the code for the lexical analyzer. This file can then be compiled and executed to perform the desired analysis on input data.

Use case 2: Specify the output file


lex analyzer.l --outfile analyzer.c

Motivation: In some cases, it is necessary to specify a custom name for the output file generated by the ’lex’ command. This use case allows developers to define the name of the output file by using the --outfile option followed by the desired file name.

Explanation: By adding the --outfile option followed by the desired file name (‘analyzer.c’ in this case), the ’lex’ command will generate a C file with the specified name instead of the default output file (’lex.yy.c’).

Example output: The ’lex’ command will generate a C file named ‘analyzer.c’, which contains the code for the lexical analyzer. This file can then be compiled and executed to perform the desired analysis on input data.

Use case 3: Compile a C file generated by Lex


cc path/to/lex.yy.c --output executable

Motivation: After generating a C file using the ’lex’ command, it is necessary to compile it to create an executable that can be run to perform the desired analysis. This use case demonstrates how to compile a C file generated by Lex using the ‘cc’ command.

Explanation: In this use case, the ‘cc’ command is used to compile the C file generated by Lex. The path to the Lex-generated C file, ’lex.yy.c’, is specified as an argument. The --output option followed by the desired executable name (’executable’ in this case) is used to specify the name of the compiled program.

Example output: The ‘cc’ command will compile the C file ’lex.yy.c’ and generate an executable named ’executable’. This executable can then be executed to perform the desired analysis on input data.


The ’lex’ command is a powerful tool for generating lexical analyzers from Lex files. It allows developers to define patterns and rules for tokens in a given input and generate C code that implements the specified lexical analysis. By using the command along with its options, developers can easily generate and compile lexers for programming languages or other text processing tasks.

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