How to use the command "linode-cli events" (with examples)

How to use the command "linode-cli events" (with examples)

The “linode-cli events” command is used to manage Linode events. It allows you to view a list of events on your account, view details about a specific event, and mark an event as read.

Use case 1: View a list of events on your account


linode-cli events list

Motivation: You can use this command to get a quick overview of all the events that have occurred on your Linode account. This is useful for monitoring and troubleshooting purposes.


  • “linode-cli” is the Linode command-line interface tool.
  • “events” is the main command for managing Linode events.
  • “list” is a subcommand that will list all events on your account.

Example output:

1234  Event A   600          true  success
5678  Event B   120          true  failure

Use case 2: View details about a specific event


linode-cli events view event_id

Motivation: If you want to get more information about a specific event, you can use this command. It will provide you with additional details such as the event’s label, date, status, etc.


  • “linode-cli” is the Linode command-line interface tool.
  • “events” is the main command for managing Linode events.
  • “view” is a subcommand for viewing the details of a specific event.
  • “event_id” is the ID of the event you want to view. Replace it with the actual event ID.

Example output:

Event ID: 1234
Label: Event A
Created: 2022-01-01 12:00:00 UTC
Status: success
Message: This is a successful event.

Use case 3: Mark an event as read


linode-cli events mark-read event_id

Motivation: When you have viewed an event and want to mark it as read, you can use this command. It helps to keep your event list organized and allows you to easily identify new/unread events.


  • “linode-cli” is the Linode command-line interface tool.
  • “events” is the main command for managing Linode events.
  • “mark-read” is a subcommand for marking a specific event as read.
  • “event_id” is the ID of the event you want to mark as read. Replace it with the actual event ID.

Example output:

Event ID 1234 marked as read.


The “linode-cli events” command is a powerful tool for managing Linode events. By using the different subcommands, you can view a list of events, get details about specific events, and mark events as read. These capabilities are useful for monitoring your Linode account and troubleshooting any issues that may arise.

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