Managing Linode Instances with 'linode-cli linodes' (with examples)

Managing Linode Instances with 'linode-cli linodes' (with examples)

The linode-cli linodes command is a powerful tool for managing Linode cloud computing instances via the command line. This command facilitates various operations like listing, creating, updating, and deleting Linode instances, as well as managing their settings and backups. The ability to perform these actions from the CLI allows for automation and scripting, which can streamline workflows for system administrators and developers who work extensively with Linode infrastructure.

Use Case 1: List All Linodes


linode-cli linodes list


Listing all available Linodes is crucial for system administrators who need an overview of their server infrastructure. It allows for quick checks on the status, configuration, and health of each virtual machine. This can help in inventory management, auditing, and monitoring tasks.


  • linode-cli: This is the base command to invoke the Linode Command Line Interface.
  • linodes: This specifies that the action pertains to Linode instances.
  • list: This argument lists all Linode instances currently deployed under your account.

Example Output:

ID        Label                  Status   Datacenter
1234567   WebServer01            running  us-east
2345678   DatabaseServer         stopped  us-central
3456789   DevInstance            running  eu-west

Use Case 2: Create a New Linode


linode-cli linodes create --type g6-standard-2 --region us-east --image linode/ubuntu20.04


Creating a new Linode instance is foundational for deploying new applications, environments, or testing. Developers and DevOps professionals frequently perform this action to generate instances tailored to their specific requirements regarding size, location, and operating system.


  • create: This command is used to start a new Linode instance.
  • --type g6-standard-2: Specifies the type of Linode plan. Here, ‘g6-standard-2’ represents a general-purpose Linode with specific resource allocations.
  • --region us-east: Designates the data center region where the Linode will be located. Proximity can affect latency, which is critical for certain applications.
  • --image linode/ubuntu20.04: Determines the operating system image for the Linode. In this example, it’s set to Ubuntu 20.04, a commonly used Linux distribution.

Example Output:

Linode Created:
ID: 1234568
Label: auto-generated-label

Use Case 3: View Details of a Specific Linode


linode-cli linodes view 1234567


Viewing detailed information about a specific Linode instance is essential for troubleshooting and understanding its configuration. It provides insights into the instance’s resource usage, IP addresses, backup status, and more, helping administrators manage their infrastructure efficiently.


  • view: Show detailed information of the specified Linode.
  • 1234567: The unique identification number of the Linode whose details you wish to view.

Example Output:

Linode ID: 1234567
Label: WebServer01
Status: running
Region: us-east
Type: g6-standard-2
IP Addresses:

Use Case 4: Update Settings for a Linode


linode-cli linodes update 1234567 --label NewLabel


Updating a Linode’s settings, such as its label, is useful for organizational purposes, making it easier to identify instances. This is especially important in environments with numerous active servers where logical naming can simplify management.


  • update: This command updates the specified settings of a Linode instance.
  • 1234567: The ID of the Linode to update.
  • --label NewLabel: Changes the label, or name, of the Linode to ‘NewLabel’.

Example Output:

Linode Updated:
ID: 1234567
Label: NewLabel

Use Case 5: Delete a Linode


linode-cli linodes delete 1234567


Deleting a Linode might be necessary when resources are no longer needed, and it helps reduce costs. This is a frequent operation in development environments where instances are spun up and taken down regularly.


  • delete: This command removes a specific Linode from your account.
  • 1234567: The identifier of the Linode to be deleted.

Example Output:

Linode Deleted: 1234567

Use Case 6: Perform a Power Management Operation on a Linode


linode-cli linodes reboot 1234567


Power management operations, such as rebooting a Linode, are essential for applying updates or troubleshooting. A reboot can resolve system issues or apply configuration changes without recreating the instance.


  • reboot: This operation reboots the specified Linode.
  • 1234567: The ID of the Linode to reboot.

Example Output:

Linode Rebooted: 1234567

Use Case 7: List Available Backups for a Linode


linode-cli linodes backups-list 1234567


Listing backups for a Linode is crucial for data protection and recovery planning. Being aware of available backups allows administrators to restore systems to known stable states during incidents.


  • backups-list: This command lists all available backups for a specific Linode.
  • 1234567: The ID of the Linode whose backups you want to list.

Example Output:

Backup ID       Date                Status
56789           2023-09-15          completed
67890           2023-09-20          running

Use Case 8: Restore a Backup to a Linode


linode-cli linodes backups-restore 1234567 --backup-id 56789


Restoring a backup is vital for disaster recovery and mitigating data loss. This operation allows an instance to revert to a previous state, preserving application and data integrity after unexpected changes or failed updates.


  • backups-restore: This command restores a specific backup to a Linode.
  • 1234567: The ID of the Linode to which the backup will be restored.
  • --backup-id 56789: Specifies the ID of the backup to be restored.

Example Output:

Backup Restored to Linode: 1234567
Backup ID: 56789


The linode-cli linodes command provides a comprehensive suite of tools for managing Linodes, enabling a wide range of operations directly from the command line. By utilizing these features, users can efficiently scale, manage, and secure their virtual infrastructure on Linode, all while leveraging the flexibility and power of command-line automation.

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