How to Use the Linode CLI Command for LKE (with examples)

How to Use the Linode CLI Command for LKE (with examples)

The Linode Command Line Interface (CLI) is a powerful tool that allows you to manage Linode services directly from your terminal. Specifically, the linode-cli lke command is used to manage Linode Kubernetes Engine (LKE) clusters. LKE is a managed Kubernetes service provided by Linode, offering simplified Kubernetes cluster deployment and management. This article illustrates various use cases of the linode-cli lke command, providing detailed insights into managing LKE clusters effectively.

List All LKE Clusters


linode-cli lke clusters list

Motivation: Listing all LKE clusters is fundamental for gaining an overview of the Kubernetes environments that you currently manage or administrate. This is particularly useful for users or teams who manage multiple Kubernetes clusters and need to check the status and configurations of each cluster at a glance.


  • linode-cli: This is the base command to invoke the Linode CLI.
  • lke: This sub-command specifies that we are operating within the Linode Kubernetes Engine realm.
  • clusters: Indicates that the command will affect clusters.
  • list: A simple directive to display all active LKE clusters associated with your Linode account.

Example Output:

    "id": 12345,
    "label": "production-cluster",
    "region": "us-east",
    "status": "running",
    "id": 67890,
    "label": "staging-cluster",
    "region": "us-west",
    "status": "running",

Create a New LKE Cluster


linode-cli lke clusters create --region us-west --type g6-standard-2 --node-type g6-standard-1 --nodes-count 3

Motivation: Creating a new LKE cluster is an essential task for setting up a fresh Kubernetes environment suitable for deploying applications. This process is ideal for operations teams initiating a new project or expanding existing infrastructure to support more workloads.


  • create: Indicates that you want to create a new LKE cluster.
  • --region us-west: Specifies the geographical region where the cluster’s infrastructure will be provisioned. By choosing a closer region, you can reduce latency for end-users.
  • --type g6-standard-2: Refers to the type of Linode instances used for the cluster’s control plane, determining the performance and capacity of the cluster.
  • --node-type g6-standard-1: Defines the type of worker nodes within the cluster, crucial for the compute power available to applications.
  • --nodes-count 3: Sets the number of nodes provisioned in the cluster, which is imperative for achieving the desired scale and fault tolerance.

Example Output:

  "id": 112233,
  "label": "new-cluster",
  "region": "us-west",
  "status": "provisioning",

View Details of a Specific LKE Cluster


linode-cli lke clusters view 12345

Motivation: Viewing the details of a specific LKE cluster is vital for monitoring and maintaining the cluster’s health and configuration. This operation is crucial when troubleshooting issues or performing regular audits to ensure the cluster is set up as expected.


  • view: Suggests that you want to see detailed information about a specific LKE cluster.
  • 12345: Represents the unique identifier of the LKE cluster you want to inspect. This ID is a direct reference to a specific Kubernetes environment within your Linode account.

Example Output:

  "id": 12345,
  "label": "production-cluster",
  "region": "us-east",
  "control_plane": {
    "version": "v1.21.5"
  "node_pools": [
      "id": 56789,
      "count": 3,
      "type": "g6-standard-1",
      "nodes": [
          "id": 98765,
          "status": "ready"
  "status": "running"

Update an Existing LKE Cluster


linode-cli lke clusters update 12345 --node-type g6-standard-2

Motivation: Updating an existing LKE cluster’s configuration allows you to optimize performance, integrate cost-efficient node types, or meet increased computational demands. This task is crucial for the ongoing adaptability of the infrastructure to suit business needs.


  • update: Specifies that you wish to change certain aspects of an existing LKE cluster.
  • 12345: The ID of the cluster to be updated, ensuring that configurations are altered on the correct cluster.
  • --node-type g6-standard-2: This updates the worker nodes to a new type, thereby enhancing or altering the computational capacity of the cluster as per the updated type’s specifications.

Example Output:

  "id": 12345,
  "label": "production-cluster",
  "region": "us-east",
  "status": "updating",

Delete an LKE Cluster


linode-cli lke clusters delete 12345

Motivation: Deleting an LKE cluster is often a necessary action to decommission resources that are no longer needed. This can reduce operational costs and tidy up the infrastructure, especially post a project lifecycle or testing phase.


  • delete: Commands the system to remove the specified LKE cluster permanently. This action is irreversible, thereby necessitating confirmation.
  • 12345: The identifier of the cluster to be deleted, ensuring the precise cluster is removed from your managed resources.

Example Output:


(Note: The operation returns an empty object upon successful completion, indicating the cluster has been deleted.)


Using the linode-cli lke command suite offers a streamlined approach to managing Kubernetes clusters within Linode’s cloud environment. Each command caters to different operational needs, from viewing and creating to updating and deleting clusters, ensuring you can manage your infrastructure efficiently and effectively. With these examples, you now have the fundamental operations necessary to maintain a robust Kubernetes infrastructure using Linode’s managed services.

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