How to use the command 'linode-cli nodebalancers' (with examples)

How to use the command 'linode-cli nodebalancers' (with examples)

This article will provide examples and explanations for using the linode-cli nodebalancers command. The Linode CLI is a command-line tool that allows users to manage their Linode infrastructure. The nodebalancers command specifically deals with managing Linode NodeBalancers, which are load balancers that distribute incoming traffic across multiple Linode instances.

Use case 1: List all NodeBalancers


linode-cli nodebalancers list

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to get a list of all the NodeBalancers in your Linode account. It allows you to see the existing NodeBalancers and their associated details.


  • linode-cli is the command to execute the Linode CLI tool.
  • nodebalancers is the specific command that deals with NodeBalancers.
  • list is the sub-command used to retrieve a list of all NodeBalancers.

Example output:

ID         Label      Type   Region     Status
12345      lb-1       nano   us-east    active
54321      lb-2       nano   us-west    active

Use case 2: Create a new NodeBalancer


linode-cli nodebalancers create --region region

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to create a new NodeBalancer in your Linode account. It allows you to specify the region where the NodeBalancer will be provisioned.


  • linode-cli is the command to execute the Linode CLI tool.
  • nodebalancers is the specific command that deals with NodeBalancers.
  • create is the sub-command used to create a new NodeBalancer.
  • --region is an argument used to specify the region where the NodeBalancer will be created. Replace “region” with the desired region (e.g., us-east, us-west, etc.).

Example output:

ID         Label      Type   Region     Status
67890      lb-3       nano   us-west    pending

Use case 3: View details of a specific NodeBalancer


linode-cli nodebalancers view nodebalancer_id

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to view detailed information about a specific NodeBalancer in your Linode account. It allows you to retrieve information such as the NodeBalancer’s ID, label, type, region, and status.


  • linode-cli is the command to execute the Linode CLI tool.
  • nodebalancers is the specific command that deals with NodeBalancers.
  • view is the sub-command used to view details of a specific NodeBalancer.
  • nodebalancer_id is a required argument that specifies the ID of the NodeBalancer you want to view.

Example output:

ID:            12345
Label:         lb-1
Type:          nano
Region:        us-east
Status:        active

Use case 4: Update an existing NodeBalancer


linode-cli nodebalancers update nodebalancer_id --label new_label

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to update the label of an existing NodeBalancer in your Linode account. It allows you to change the label to something more meaningful.


  • linode-cli is the command to execute the Linode CLI tool.
  • nodebalancers is the specific command that deals with NodeBalancers.
  • update is the sub-command used to update an existing NodeBalancer.
  • nodebalancer_id is a required argument that specifies the ID of the NodeBalancer you want to update.
  • --label is an argument used to specify the new label for the NodeBalancer. Replace “new_label” with the desired label.

Example output:

NodeBalancer updated successfully. New details:
ID:            12345
Label:         lb-updated
Type:          nano
Region:        us-east
Status:        active

Use case 5: Delete a NodeBalancer


linode-cli nodebalancers delete nodebalancer_id

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to delete a NodeBalancer from your Linode account. It allows you to remove NodeBalancers that are no longer needed.


  • linode-cli is the command to execute the Linode CLI tool.
  • nodebalancers is the specific command that deals with NodeBalancers.
  • delete is the sub-command used to delete a NodeBalancer.
  • nodebalancer_id is a required argument that specifies the ID of the NodeBalancer you want to delete.

Example output:

NodeBalancer with ID 12345 has been successfully deleted.

Use case 6: List configurations for a NodeBalancer


linode-cli nodebalancers configs list nodebalancer_id

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to retrieve a list of configurations for a specific NodeBalancer. It allows you to see the existing configurations and their associated details.


  • linode-cli is the command to execute the Linode CLI tool.
  • nodebalancers is the specific command that deals with NodeBalancers.
  • configs is the sub-command used to list configurations for a NodeBalancer.
  • list is the sub-command used to retrieve a list of all configurations.
  • nodebalancer_id is a required argument that specifies the ID of the NodeBalancer you want to retrieve configurations for.

Example output:

Port    Protocol    Algorithm     Stickiness     Check
80      http        roundrobin    table          http_body
443     https       roundrobin    none           tcp

Use case 7: Add a new configuration to a NodeBalancer


linode-cli nodebalancers configs create nodebalancer_id --port port --protocol protocol

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to add a new configuration to a specific NodeBalancer. It allows you to configure settings such as the port, protocol, algorithm, stickiness, and check.


  • linode-cli is the command to execute the Linode CLI tool.
  • nodebalancers is the specific command that deals with NodeBalancers.
  • configs is the sub-command used to manage configurations for a NodeBalancer.
  • create is the sub-command used to add a new configuration.
  • nodebalancer_id is a required argument that specifies the ID of the NodeBalancer you want to add a configuration to.
  • --port is an argument used to specify the port for the new configuration.
  • port is the desired port number (e.g., 80, 443).
  • --protocol is an argument used to specify the protocol for the new configuration.
  • protocol is the desired protocol (e.g., http, https).

Example output:

Configuration added successfully. New details:
Config ID:     123
Port:          8080
Protocol:      http
Algorithm:     roundrobin
Stickiness:    none
Check:         http_body

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