How to use the command 'linode-cli tickets' (with examples)

How to use the command 'linode-cli tickets' (with examples)

The ’linode-cli tickets’ command is used to manage Linode support tickets. This command allows users to list their support tickets, open new tickets, list replies to a ticket, and reply to a specific ticket. It provides a convenient way to interact with Linode’s support system through the command-line interface.

Use case 1: List your Support Tickets


linode-cli tickets list

Motivation: When using the Linode service, it is essential to keep track of your support tickets. Using the ’linode-cli tickets list’ command, you can easily view a list of your support tickets, providing you with a quick overview of your open or closed tickets.


  • ’list’: This argument specifies that we want to list the support tickets.

Example output:

|   id  |                summary              |   opened |   status | type |
|   123 |    Issues with DNS configuration     |    12345 | open    |    0 |
|   456 |   Trouble connecting to the server   |    23456 | open    |    0 |
|   789 |    Billing inquiry for the invoice   |    34567 | closed  |    0 |

Use case 2: Open a new Ticket


linode-cli tickets create --summary "Summary or quick title for the Ticket" --description "Detailed description of the issue"

Motivation: When encountering an issue or problem with the Linode service, opening a support ticket is essential. The ’linode-cli tickets create’ command allows you to open a new support ticket by providing a summary and a detailed description of the problem.


  • ‘–summary’: This argument is used to specify a summary or quick title for the ticket. It should briefly describe the issue.
  • ‘–description’: This argument is used to provide a detailed description of the issue you are facing.

Example output:

|   id  |                summary              |   opened |   status | type |
|   123 |    Issues with DNS configuration     |    12345 | open    |    0 |
|   456 |   Trouble connecting to the server   |    23456 | open    |    0 |
|   789 |    Billing inquiry for the invoice   |    34567 | closed  |    0 |
|   890 |    Summary or quick title for Ticket |    45678 | open    |    0 |

Use case 3: List replies to a Ticket


linode-cli tickets replies ticket_id

Motivation: When working on a support ticket, it might be necessary to view the replies associated with it. The ’linode-cli tickets replies’ command allows you to list all the replies to a specific ticket, helping you keep track of the conversation and any updates from the support team.


  • ‘replies’: This command lists the replies for a specific ticket.
  • ’ticket_id’: This argument specifies the ID of the ticket for which you want to list the replies.

Example output:

|   id  |                summary              |   opened |   status | type |
|   123 |    Issues with DNS configuration     |    12345 | open    |    0 |
|   456 |   Trouble connecting to the server   |    23456 | open    |    0 |
|   789 |    Billing inquiry for the invoice   |    34567 | closed  |    0 |
|   890 |    Summary or quick title for Ticket |    45678 | open    |    0 |

Replies for Ticket ID: 890

|   id  |   created     |             description              |
|     1 |   2022-01-01  |    Thank you for opening a ticket!   |
|     2 |   2022-01-03  |      We are currently investigating  |
|     3 |   2022-01-05  |   We have identified the issue and   |
|       |               |         working on a solution        |

Use case 4: Reply to a specific Ticket


linode-cli tickets reply ticket_id --description "The content of your reply"

Motivation: Maintaining effective communication with the support team is crucial when working on a support ticket. Using the ’linode-cli tickets reply’ command, you can reply to a specific ticket, providing additional information, clarification, or updates to the support team.


  • ‘reply’: This command allows you to reply to a specific ticket.
  • ’ticket_id’: This argument specifies the ID of the ticket for which you want to reply.
  • ‘–description’: This argument is used to provide the content of your reply.

Example output:

|   id  |                summary              |   opened |   status | type |
|   123 |    Issues with DNS configuration     |    12345 | open    |    0 |
|   456 |   Trouble connecting to the server   |    23456 | open    |    0 |
|   789 |    Billing inquiry for the invoice   |    34567 | closed  |    0 |
|   890 |    Summary or quick title for Ticket |    45678 | open    |    0 |

Replies for Ticket ID: 890

|   id  |   created     |             description              |
|     1 |   2022-01-01  |    Thank you for opening a ticket!   |
|     2 |   2022-01-03  |      We are currently investigating  |
|     3 |   2022-01-05  |   We have identified the issue and   |
|       |               |         working on a solution        |
|     4 |   2022-01-07  |    The content of your reply         |


The ’linode-cli tickets’ command is a powerful tool for managing Linode support tickets directly from the command line. Whether you need to list your support tickets, open a new ticket, view replies, or reply to a specific ticket, the ’linode-cli tickets’ command provides a convenient interface for interacting with Linode’s support system. By using these examples, you can efficiently manage your support tickets and maintain effective communication with the Linode support team.

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