How to use the command 'liquidctl' (with examples)

How to use the command 'liquidctl' (with examples)

This article will provide examples of how to use the ’liquidctl’ command to control liquid coolers.

Command Description

The ’liquidctl’ command is used to control liquid coolers. It allows users to list available devices, initialize supported devices, print the status of available liquid coolers, and set various parameters for liquid coolers.

More information about the ’liquidctl’ command can be found at:

Use case 1: List available devices


liquidctl list


This use case is helpful when a user wants to check which liquid coolers are available and connected to the system.


The ’liquidctl list’ command lists all the available liquid coolers connected to the system.

Example output:

Device 1: Corsair H100i Pro
Device 2: NZXT Kraken X62

Use case 2: Initialize all supported devices


sudo liquidctl initialize all


This use case is used to initialize all the supported liquid cooler devices connected to the system.


The ‘sudo liquidctl initialize all’ command initializes all the supported liquid cooler devices connected to the system. This is useful when users want to ensure all the devices are properly initialized before using them.

Example output:

Initialization complete.

Use case 3: Print the status of available liquid coolers


liquidctl status


This use case is used to check the current status of the available liquid coolers.


The ’liquidctl status’ command prints the status of all the available liquid coolers, including fan speeds, temperatures, and other relevant information.

Example output:

Device: Corsair H100i Pro
    Fan Speed: 1200 RPM
    Temperature: 40°C

Device: NZXT Kraken X62
    Fan Speed: 1000 RPM
    Temperature: 35°C

Use case 4: Match a string in product name to pick a device and set its fan speed


liquidctl --match string set fan speed 20 0 50 50 70 100


This use case allows users to set the fan speed of a specific liquid cooler based on a string match in the product name. It provides finer control over the cooling performance.


The ’liquidctl –match string set fan speed 20 0 50 50 70 100’ command matches the specified string in the product name of a liquid cooler and sets its fan speed based on the specified temperature thresholds and fan speeds. In this example, the fan speed is set to 0% at 20°C, 50% at 50°C, and 100% at 70°C.

Example output:

Fan speed for Corsair H100i Pro set successfully.


The ’liquidctl’ command provides users with a versatile tool to control liquid coolers. With the use cases showcased in this article, users can list available devices, initialize supported devices, print the status of available liquid coolers, and set specific parameters for individual liquid coolers. This flexibility empowers users to customize their liquid cooling system for optimal performance.

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