How to Use the Command 'llvm-cat' (with examples)

How to Use the Command 'llvm-cat' (with examples)

llvm-cat is a specialized utility within the LLVM project designed to concatenate LLVM Bitcode files. Bitcode files, usually denoted with the .bc extension, are an intermediate representation of source code in the LLVM compilation process. By using llvm-cat, developers can merge multiple Bitcode files into a single one, which can be particularly useful for optimizing and streamlining further compilation or analysis processes.

Concatenate Bitcode files


llvm-cat path/to/file1.bc path/to/file2.bc -o path/to/out.bc


In large-scale software development projects, it’s common to split source code into multiple files for better organization, modularity, and maintainability. However, before the final compilation into machine code or during certain optimization phases, there may be a need to operate on a single, unified Bitcode file. Concatenating these Bitcode files can enhance certain compiler optimizations or facilitate easier analysis as an entire, combined entity. Using llvm-cat, developers can efficiently create this unified representation without modifying or losing the integrity of the original individual Bitcode files.


  • llvm-cat: This is the command-line executable from the LLVM suite designed to concatenate LLVM Bitcode files.
  • path/to/file1.bc and path/to/file2.bc: These are the file paths to the source Bitcode files that you wish to concatenate. In practice, these paths should point to valid .bc files that are part of the same compilation project and can logically be combined.
  • -o: This flag denotes the output file option. It informs llvm-cat that the following argument will specify the location and name of the resulting Bitcode file.
  • path/to/out.bc: This is the destination path and filename for the concatenated Bitcode output. This resultant .bc file will contain the combined data of the input files.

Example Output:

Upon successful execution of the above command, llvm-cat will produce a single Bitcode file at the path specified by path/to/out.bc. This file will have seamlessly combined the contents of file1.bc and file2.bc. While the output of this process isn’t something directly visible to users, in terms of human-readable text, it essentially allows for further processing steps such as linking, optimization, or compiling to native code, to proceed on a consolidated level. Developers can confirm success by checking the presence of out.bc and potentially using other LLVM tools like llvm-dis to inspect the unified contents of the Bitcode file.


In conclusion, llvm-cat is a powerful tool in the LLVM ecosystem, enabling developers to consolidate their LLVM Bitcode files. This command-line utility is particularly advantageous in situations where managing a singular Bitcode file simplifies subsequent processing or analysis tasks. Understanding and utilizing such tools effectively is essential for developers working with complex LLVM-based projects to improve workflow efficiency and optimize the compilation pipeline.

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