How to use the command "llvm-cat" (with examples)

How to use the command "llvm-cat" (with examples)

Using llvm-cat Command to Concatenate LLVM Bitcode Files (with examples)

1: Concatenate Bitcode files

llvm-cat path/to/file1.bc path/to/file2.bc -o path/to/out.bc


When working with LLVM Bitcode files, it may be necessary to merge or concatenate them into a single file for various reasons. It can be helpful when combining multiple modules, analyzing dependencies, or simplifying the build process.


  • llvm-cat: This is the command itself.
  • path/to/file1.bc: The path to the first Bitcode file to be concatenated.
  • path/to/file2.bc: The path to the second Bitcode file to be concatenated.
  • -o path/to/out.bc: The path where the concatenated output file will be saved.

Example Output:

After executing the above command, a new file named “out.bc” will be created at the specified path (“path/to/out.bc”). This file will contain the concatenated contents of “file1.bc” and “file2.bc”. The resulting Bitcode file can then be used for further processing, analysis, or compilation.

2: Another Example Use Case

llvm-cat path/to/file1.bc path/to/file2.bc path/to/file3.bc -o path/to/out.bc


In some cases, it may be necessary to concatenate more than two Bitcode files into a single file. This can be useful when dealing with larger projects or complex dependencies that require the combination of multiple modules.


  • llvm-cat: Same as before, this is the command itself.
  • path/to/file1.bc: The path to the first Bitcode file to be concatenated.
  • path/to/file2.bc: The path to the second Bitcode file to be concatenated.
  • path/to/file3.bc: The path to the third Bitcode file to be concatenated.
  • -o path/to/out.bc: The path where the concatenated output file will be saved.

Example Output:

After executing the above command, a new file named “out.bc” will be created at the specified path (“path/to/out.bc”). This file will contain the concatenated contents of “file1.bc”, “file2.bc”, and “file3.bc”. The resulting Bitcode file can then be used as needed.

3: Yet Another Example Use Case

llvm-cat path/to/file/dir/*.bc -o path/to/out.bc


When dealing with a directory containing multiple Bitcode files, it may be tedious and error-prone to list each file individually. In such cases, it is more convenient to use wildcards to specify a pattern for selecting multiple files.


  • llvm-cat: The command remains the same.
  • path/to/file/dir/*.bc: The file path pattern using the “*” wildcard. This pattern matches all files with the “.bc” extension in the specified directory (“path/to/file/dir”).
  • -o path/to/out.bc: The path where the concatenated output file will be saved.

Example Output:

When executing the above command, all the Bitcode files in the directory specified by “path/to/file/dir” will be concatenated into a single file named “out.bc” at the specified path (“path/to/out.bc”). The resulting Bitcode file can then be utilized according to the particular needs.

4: One More Example Use Case

llvm-cat path/to/file.bc -o path/to/out.bc


In certain scenarios, it may be necessary to create a copy of an LLVM Bitcode file without any modification. The llvm-cat command can also be used for this purpose, as it efficiently concatenates a single file to a specified output file.


  • llvm-cat: The command remains unchanged.
  • path/to/file.bc: The path to the Bitcode file to be copied.
  • -o path/to/out.bc: The path where the copied Bitcode file will be saved.

Example Output:

After executing the above command, a new file named “out.bc” will be created at the specified path (“path/to/out.bc”). This file will be an exact copy of the original “file.bc” Bitcode file. This can be useful for making backups, creating duplicates, or isolating specific Bitcode files for analysis without modifying the original.


The llvm-cat command provides a convenient way to concatenate multiple LLVM Bitcode files into a single file. Whether it is for merging modules, analyzing dependencies, or creating copies, this command helps streamline the workflow when working with LLVM Bitcode. By understanding the different use cases and command options, developers can leverage this command effectively within their projects.

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